Next segment of my life

After debating long and hard, I started the biologic, Humira, yesterday. My body had gotten used to the medication I had been taking and joint damage had set in with my fingers and toes. My back pain had gotten worse to the point the I had trouble carrying my purse with out it hurting. Like most with this disease, I would have trouble moving around in the morning and took a few hours to loosen up. I haven't had decent feeling in my feet for a few years now - the doctor thought the neuropathy was from low b-12 so I have been taking injections. I also would wake up in the morning with little to no feeling in my fingers either.

Yesterday, I took my first Humira shot. They told me that I wouldn't feel any changes for a few weeks. However, it may all be in my mind, but I noticed changes right away. Walking to the car, I had no back pain at all. This, all though strange, didn't lead me to think it was the Humira, just maybe my body had loosened up a bit. Later in the afternoon, I went to my sisters where I had to carry two bags of fleece and some books out to my car, and again, my back didn't hurt at all. Previously, my back would hurt if I just carried my purse so now I was taking notice. My toes were tingling when I laid down to go to sleep - I could actually feel my toes. I have that sensation for a couple days after I take my b12 shot but I am not due for one for a couple more days. I slept thru the night waking up quite early this morning but feeling well rested (that doesn't happen much these days). I had to use the restroom so I got up and started walking. To my surprise, my feet didn't hurt and I was able to move at regular speed. Even more surprising was that I (forgive me for being graphic) was able to clean myself well after the bm. Don't get me wrong, I still have some pain, just not nearly as much as I did two days ago.

Is it possible to feel the effects this quickly? This is the first biologic I have been on and am trying to not get my hopes up that this is a result of it, but it is the only thing different. I will keep track of how things are effecting me by keeping these blogs going on a more regular basis, but so far, so good.

Yippee! Yes, I’ve heard of others having a similar experience. Whether it is real, imagined, or temporary, who cares? Enjoy it!
I felt very slight glimmers of improvement almost right away. But it took a good three months for Enbrel to kick in for me.
I’m so glad that you’ve made this leap !

That is great news. It didn't happen for me on Humira but it sure did in the first week on Simponi .... subtle but certain. May this be the beginning of a good journey for you.

feeSo I was being really careful to not get hurt but I managed to scratch my foot. Now we will see how long it takes to heal. Still feeling good, actually did some serious grocery shopping, a trip to the DMV and Office Max -actually felt ok afterward.

I’m guessing that your foot will recover pretty much as it normally does. Glad to hear you’re having a good day!

I think mine has started working. I’m 2 weeks in and off the prednisolone. But I’m not sure if I’m a success story yet. Ive come off lots of my other meds without medical supervision as I’m not very good at being compliant. I’m not sure if my symptoms are withdraw,s from everything else or side effects. But the fact that I’m off prednisolone is a good sign. Crossed fingers for you. Shel

You definitely made the right choice to start biologics. They may not be everyone's cup of tea but I think it is starting to work for me. I am on my 5th injection of Humira (so 10 weeks on it) and my pain is less than last week. Do not lose hope if some of the pain comes back in the early stages because if you are feeling changes already then the signs are good for you. My pain lessened in week 7 and then hit back 4 days after my injection. I pushed through it just hoping the next injection would last longer before the pain came back. It did and it has continued to give me greater relief. I hope it does the same for you. Good luck with your treatment.