Neurologist visit

Next time someone says “What do ya got a hole in your head?” I can say, “Why yes…” frank horrigan fallout 3
Kind of cocrned about the chunks of scull sitting on the piano lessons…

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“What you got, a hole in your head?” Why yes, but the Radiologist said it was normal”…


Is that where the skull hasn’t completely fused since babyhood?

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Two fractures, one on the right side of the skull and one on the crown, there is pieces of bone on the side one, between the durum and the brain. You can see the jigsaw puzzle pieces, where they were…
I have migraines on the frontal lobe, just about where this is. Might be brain damage from the impact. The one on the back of the head, could be like you say, but I get “weather headaches” starting at that location.

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I need to stop looking at imaging… :roll_eyes:
Weird how I have been having pain right where the skull was fractured though…

Did a couple hundred mile trip today, probably was not a good idea after my adjustment yesterday…

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Hey Jon,
The brain itself actually has no pain receptors, which I know seems odd considering how bad migraines and headaches can be. But the meninges, the layers protecting the brain, do have pain receptors. The 3 layers that make up the meninges are the dura matter, the arachnoid matter and the pia matter, with the pia being closest layer to the brain itself. It’s primarily the dura matter that contains the pain receptors from the trigeminal nerves. If the break has damaged the dura, then this could well be the cause of the migraines.

Merl from the Moderator Support Team


Thanks for the information, I now have more leads to follow! I like to have a overview of the condition, and get a reality check on options if any, so I can form intelligent questions when I see the specialist.
I will find out next week what the ENT says that is reviewing the MRI and MRA.
Interesting that this area of the brain in the frontal lobe, is for processing working memory and executive function, I am scheduled to see a psychologist regarding ADHD…

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Did more studying of the fracture, it is actually about 60mm across both hemispheres of the frontal lobe. I don’t understand how bone fragments could just be scattered around on the brains surface, with all the layers of fibrous tissue? I always try to understand what I am seeing, the fragments are very clear. Hopefully I will get some answers next week, when the ENT reviews the MRA/MRI images. I like the translations of the Latin names tough mother Dura, gentle mother Is the Pia…
Thanks again for the reply.

XSo update on the neurologist, I asked him if the radiologist could review this area, he said he looked at it, and said it was perfectly normal. I replied, asking him to look at the image I sent him, showing what looked like the skull bone fragments, got a reply he went on vacation! I hope I wasn’t the last straw that sent him over the edge. I did tell him I was just diagnosed with ADHD over focused, that it was not my fault… :crazy_face:
I told my Rheumy, she glanced at it and said it was normal, and would not be able to be repaired anyway, (same doc that said I had fecal matter in back of my spine) then she jokingly said she was going to take away all my photos and MRI’s!
So being ADHD and over focused, I showed my Osteopathic doctor doing cranial adjustments, he agreed with me, that he had noticed extensive alteration in my cranium and was going to ask me about it. I told him, the hole is the same location where I have chronic headache pain. My Neurologist did not take the headaches seriously, as I told him I do not take anything for them, thinking they must not be bad, this is a problem, convincing doctors there is pain with chronic pain patients that live with a static pain level around 5-6.
I will go back to my GP, at some point and see if it is worth looking into. It might be worth at least having a neurosurgeon review it. I also want to check out any possible CSF leaks, that may be associated with the trauma.
The doctor today agreed that I am right to question the doctors about this kind of thing. He is good friends with my neurologist…
I see a ENT about my tinnitus, radiologist says the veins by my ears are looped. I believe I am loopy!
Anyone else have normal holes in their heads? paralyzing palm new vegas

Does anyone else on the forum have ADHD over focus?(superpower)


Not me. But I find your level of focus interesting. You think of things that would just never occur to me, just ever.

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Not to my knowledge. But when I had a pelvic scan once, the radiologist and her sidekick started pointing at the screen and laughing. I asked her to share the joke and she just said ‘everybody’s different’.

Well that was mightily unprofessional of those two. But I tend to think that we all have physical idiosyncrasies within that are very often best left undiscovered and unquestioned. I know the benefits and disadvantages of further exploration have to be weighed up, but if you have ADHD aren’t you just going to be giving yourself worry-fodder if you follow it up?


That sounds horrible, people acting so unprofessional.

You are right, people have all kind of things they may not know about, that cannot be changed, this is different, I was going to the above neurologist among other things to get my persistent headaches checked out, so this is not a passing whim, but on point. He pretty much dismissed the headaches because I was not displaying enough outward discomfort, if this was the case, I would be crying and stamping my feet most of the time…
One thing I cannot stand is dismissive doctors, either do your job or refer someone else to look at it, but don’t do a half assed glance at the images and say just normal. Mainly I find out he was getting ready to leave for his vacation right after my last appointment.
This is what sets off my ADHD, not seeing a professional doctor that would listen to what I am telling him and take it seriously. Maybe nothing can be done, I can live with that, but I am the one living with daily headaches, the doctor works for me, not the other way around. So there, rant over… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

We kind of give a fresh angle to things, by gathering up all the information and “shacking the box” to see how it all makes sense. Most of the time it comes out as a mess, but sometimes it is a unique idea. This of course drives doctors to a long vacation…

These things don’t cause worries, I get over-focused because it is a interesting puzzle. Once it is resolved, probably by saying, nothing can be done, then I move on to the next puzzle.
See, ADHD is a dopamine deficiency, so we are looking for things to spark our interest, pretty pathetic… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

A little follow up on my skull; I went to another doctor the Neurologist recommended, to get Osteopathic adjustments, he also does cranial adjustments, I showed him the photos, he said he was going to ask me if I had head trauma, because my skull is misshapen, the left frontal lobe is pushed in, probably from the motorcycle accident, when it pushed in the skull plate on one side, it forced it to open on the right side at the skull suture area. This would explain why there is a gap on the right side, that also caused some fracturing. Not much to do about it, but I kind of feel vindicated…


Hey Jon,
I totally agree about some dismissive dr’s, we’re stressed out anyway and then for them to simply dismiss our concerns doesn’t help at all. I’ve had this occur for many years but I must admit my concerns were symptom related, for which they could find no medical reason (that was until they did find a reason many years later). But at least you’ve received some sort of plausible answer now for the gap in your cranium.

Merl from the Moderator Support Team


I’m actually incredibly pleased you feel vindicated, wonky skull and all. Incredibly pleased.


No holes in the head as far as I know. Yes, I was over focused before I started dealing with PSA. Now, I have the opposite problem of monkey brain where I cannot focus and cannot retain information. It is a big change that is hard to come to terms with. Once the symptoms became worse then other health conditions directly related or not became worse. Nothing wrong with questioning doctors and trying to solve the riddle of what is wrong with me and why am I dealing with this symptom. Rather than ignoring or not adequately addressing a patients concerns doctors should in theory have the burden of explaining possible questions or other related health conditions. I figure most people on here research their own health conditions and trying to figure out how to get better or to reduce symptoms. After all, the doctor may not be dealing with their own personal hellish disease. Something about having a disease versus a theoretical understanding brings about a certain type of knowledge.

I kind of feel sorry for him, he was totally stressed, took a month off. Being a Neurologist, not having many tools in his bag to help neuropathy is also stressful. Patients like me, coming in with several complex problems, and trying to squeeze them in to a 20 minute, he did quite well actually… I get frustrated, I know he probably cannot help my chronic neuropathy, 32 years of it, so I should know better… The ADHD hyper focus does not help!

Yesterday was a brain fog day, it is like walking in a foggy dreamland. Blurred vision so bad I could not work on my complex flute restoration, for some reason my shop makes it worse, fluorescent lights, or some ancient mold perhaps. Working on a 200 year old antique, you need complete focus, I have to be in the “zone” per-say. I snapped out of it about 7pm, and actually did some sterling silver cold forging of a flute key, gives me such joy “dopamine hit” to get something done! fallout 3 fun things to do
Silver soldering a new touch on the 1850 wooden flute, if I hold the heat on another 10th of a second it all melts into a puddle! This was made from a sheet of silver, had to cut out the key, shape it and solder it on, hard on the fingers…