Neck pain that refers to chest

I can’t imagine what else this could be. Especially because several years ago my husband complained of this exact type of pain and it ended up being a disc out in his neck and he got a fusion in his neck…
Off and on I get some weird chest pain during the night, but it seems to go away with either aspirin or Pepcid. Last night I had the pain—it’s in the front left of center—a couple inches diagonally up from my breast bone.
Does anyone else get this? The aspirin or Pepcid did no good…lying down and sitting made it worse, after I got up this morning it almost went away completely!
What is this?

Could be anything. There is no single part of your body that has more muscle attachments nerve endings and “stuff” etc or can pick up more reffered pain. Worse when lying down and sitting can be concerning. I’d at least ask.

Thanks! I’ve thought about mentioning it to my doctor, but when it doesn’t happen every night I tend to forget about it.
PsA causes us all kinds of mysterious occasional aches and pains that can’t really be explained. It must be the PsA…

I’d ask too. It probably is the PsA, but then again I said that about my shoulder, which was so uncomfortable it was stopping me from work, impacting my sleep, and on occasions causing tears when I had to drive for over an hour. Finally I went to the physio after 3 months. After one session it was 80% better, and 100% within 3 days.

Definitely ask. I spent 2 weeks last summer thinking I was having a flare when what it was was two fractures in my pelvis.

I will ask my rheumy in my upcoming appointment. It may or may not be PsA related—hopefully he’ll know if it’s cause to run some blood tests in addition to the usual ones. Once-in-awhile I get areas that are painful to the touch, also—it’s similar to what I had in my chest, but only hurts when I press on it.
I’m also going to ask for a prescription for a mobility device. The ride-on ones are very expensive and it sure would be nice if insurance paid for it. I did find an adult scooter which would help. It’s very lightweight and smooth riding and only costs around $100. I’m attaching a pic of it. Does anyone have something similar to this?
Ooops I’m having trouble attaching the pic…