My root canal is tomorrow at last. I can be free from this never ending tooth infection

I was making the switch to skyrizi but I’ve been having to put off for months because of a tooth infection caused by double dose of Cosentyx.

The dentist just called and they have an opening tomorrow so I took it. Sadly I don’t have dental insurance so I’m going to be paying for this for the rest of my life lol. but I would pay any amount to be free from this infection so I can start my biologics again. My joints have been on fire and I have not been able to work with my chiropractor because I’ve been so inflamed and swollen. Also, I am waiting to start some injections again in my occipital as well as neck and back. I have a lot of stenosis.

Please wish we luck that all goes well and I wish the same to you all :smiley::rose:

I hope you free better soon. I had a root canal and filling in November and my psa was behaving after 48 hrs. I’m on Cosyntex. All your dental pain will be gone. Took Tylenol 1-2times a day for pain. Don’t forget to make up ince packs ahead of time.

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Thank you so much for the encouragement. This really has been a long and terrible time. About to end :smiley:

Good luck. You’ll feel so much better afterwards. Promise.

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I wish you the best. Glad that you’ll be able to move forward

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