I have a very long list that I went to the doc with 2 years ago since all the little things were adding up…
So I have PsA… joints not anymore but tendons hurting and a tiny bit of psoriasis… always tired… but then the rest…
I get migraine auras
which start out as tiny dots and grow as a circle until there behind my eyes… which takes about an hour… I get minor headaches with this and little naucious(sp?) But I pretty much always have headaches…
Visual snow, light sensitivity, flashes, palinopsia (trails), dry eyes, terrible vision in the dark especially with lights around, double vision within one eye (sometimes I can see 4 very clear letters all just slightly off center when it seems like a have blurry vision), floaters, flares or stars around light points, after images… and I’m pretty sure there’s more going on… It’s a terrible video but it gives an idea:
Tinnitus, sensitivity to loud or high pitch noises, sensitivity for smells (perfume, flowers), sometimes weird sun burned feeling in my skin, itching, soars in my mouth sometimes, stomach aches (very bad once), IBD, brain fog, heart palpitations, hay fever… oh and depression…
I feel like an out of tune TV… not just the vision but tinnitus, itching/burning as if there’s a constant static of action in my nerves/senses
I’m not sure if I’m just hyper aware of normal things (I see black when I blink and my vision wobbles when I walk, I constantly feel my clothes on my skin, etc which your brain is not supposed to notice) or if it’s actually worse then normal…
The brain fog and depression are linked to PsA… but I’m wondering about everything else…