My fingers are getting 'stuck'

I am still in the process of getting a diagnosis but have had a strange thing happen with my poor stiff fingers. I have damage in all my dip finger joints. I was holding unto my coffee mug this morning. I went to release the mug- and my fingers would not let go of the mug. I had to pry my fingers off with my other hand. Anybody else have this happen? What is going on? Thanks

Yeah. It most often happens to me when I’m bike riding and holding on to the brakes too much. A bunch of other situations as well. Not really sure of the cause, as it’s not triggering.

Generally its nerve entrapment and not PsA (directly) ulnar nerve will effect the little fingers and carpal tunnel the others. Its pretty easily sorted out. Triggering is different and can be related to arthritis but there are some specific pain points.


Thank you for your replies, I appreciate them

Sounds about right in my case. I know that there’s some nerve entrapment going on, especially at the elbow. Cubital tunnel? Is that it?

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Could be. Generally a brace gives some temporary relief. Ultimately a nerve release fixes it.

I had cubital tunnel and nerve release on the left elbow. I had lost about 50% of the grip strength in my left hand prior to surgery. My little and ring fingers were permanently crooked before the surgery but I never had any “trigger finger” issues. Yet I do now!

The stuck finger is so weird. My thumb got stuck yesterday, haven’t had that for a good long while. Hope it isn’t a warning of a flare in the offing.