In years past, I had heat exhaustion twice, THEN I got diagnosed with Graves disease and whatever (small) heat tolerance I had flew like a bird. I've already had a bout with the heat this summer (late June) and a flare as a result.
The last couple of weeks, the temperature/humidity here in Kentucky approximates that of Satan's backside. With my history, I know better than to test the heat.
Two Sundays ago, I'm restless and think I can go to Lowe's with Paul without much trouble, just be smart. We trooped out there and came home to find our A/C not working. I tried, I really did--I took a shower, got into cool clothes, sat in front of the fan while Paul and the AC guy tried to figure out what happened. They MacGuyvered it back on but by then, yep, heat intolerance meant I'm sick Monday and Tuesday, maybe 50% on Wednesday and back to almost normal on Thursday.
Turns out, our programmable thermostat went splat. Back out to Lowe's, a few of Paul's Sunday school words for the world's most unintelligent directions and we get our nice, cool house back.
Last week, I notice my feet are aching. I do what I normally do--hot Epsom salts soaks, massage--from last Wednesday to last night (Sunday). Not much improvement. Saturday, I notice my hands, especially my thumbs, are achy. My hands NEVER hurt unless I'm in a flare.
Then I do some Facebook spelunking and realize I had problems with my feet in July of 2013 and 2015. I think not a flare--my feet and Kentucky in July just don't get along. Except, I'm more tired than usual.
I'm not sure there is a point to this post other than dang, my feet hurt. I have a call into the rheumatologist.
My name is 6cats and sometimes, PsA is a pain in the feet.