It is probably coincidental that your pain is worse since starting the MTX. One has to remember that pain does not always equal inflammation and isn’t a good indicator of if a med is working or not. No matter how counterintuitive this seems, it is true.
TaraLynn said:
Makes sense Stoney. The baby finger is always sore and has a lump on the side. I was wishing the MTX would settle it down but it hasn't. I haven't had a bad flare in weeks but continuous pain in that one finger and roaming joint pain in various other joints that lasts for three or four days and goes to other joints. I must say I've never had this much overall pain before starting the MTX. Is it possible the MTX is making it worse or is it the PSA progressing? This is a question my doctor can't answer so I have to wait until October when I see my rheumy.
Stoney said:
I had asked my doctor about this a while back. She basically said that when it's musical joints, she doesn't worry too much about damage. But when pain and/or inflammation settle into a joint, this is when she is more concerned. I'm not quite sure if it made me feel happy, but it at least made sense.
Thanks GrumpyCat my doctor is tough and will always use cortisone shots or steroids as an absolute last resort. He would much rather give me pain killers. This pain is jumping from joint to joint. I have pain in several joints but one that is more painful. It seems a new pattern is developing. I’m leaving in the morning on a week holiday with my husband. I hope tomorrow is a better day
Right now I could use about 8 steroid injections. If I had the medicine here, I’d do it myself, but I’d feel like a mosquito at a nudist convention. I know what I came here to do but I don’t know where to start,.
At least you know what you are here to do. I made three trips to the kitchen and forgot everytime why I was there. Just heard the wife screaming who left the ice cream out.........
mimiB said:
Right now I could use about 8 steroid injections. If I had the medicine here, I'd do it myself, but I'd feel like a mosquito at a nudist convention. I know what I came here to do but I don't know where to start,.
Absolutely GrumpyCat…many times I’ve had bad flares and no swelling. I’ve also had inflammation and had blood tests showing no inflammation. I’m thinking the reason I started the MTX was because of an increase in flares so the PSA is probably progressing. Thanks for your feedback, I really value your opinion and you sharing your knowledge. It certainly helps having support from people who can relate
GrumpyCat said:
It is probably coincidental that your pain is worse since starting the MTX. One has to remember that pain does not always equal inflammation and isn’t a good indicator of if a med is working or not. No matter how counterintuitive this seems, it is true.
TaraLynn said:
Makes sense Stoney. The baby finger is always sore and has a lump on the side. I was wishing the MTX would settle it down but it hasn’t. I haven’t had a bad flare in weeks but continuous pain in that one finger and roaming joint pain in various other joints that lasts for three or four days and goes to other joints. I must say I’ve never had this much overall pain before starting the MTX. Is it possible the MTX is making it worse or is it the PSA progressing? This is a question my doctor can’t answer so I have to wait until October when I see my rheumy.
Stoney said:
I had asked my doctor about this a while back. She basically said that when it’s musical joints, she doesn’t worry too much about damage. But when pain and/or inflammation settle into a joint, this is when she is more concerned. I’m not quite sure if it made me feel happy, but it at least made sense.
Lol…Lamb! I do the same kind of thing however I was thinking it was age…
tntlamb said:
At least you know what you are here to do. I made three trips to the kitchen and forgot everytime why I was there. Just heard the wife screaming who left the ice cream out…
mimiB said:
Right now I could use about 8 steroid injections. If I had the medicine here, I’d do it myself, but I’d feel like a mosquito at a nudist convention. I know what I came here to do but I don’t know where to start,.
Ugh… Today, I woke up with shoulder pain for the first time. I think I will buy a new pillow tomorrow. Celebrex takes several weeks to fully work. I can tell when it starts to work; it makes me sleepy for a few days.
Sounds familiar, lamb! One of the things we liked about this house was that the walk through the main floor was circular, now I wonder if I was dooming myself to a life of walking in circles, trying to figure out what it was I was planning to do!
tntlamb said:
At least you know what you are here to do. I made three trips to the kitchen and forgot everytime why I was there. Just heard the wife screaming who left the ice cream out.........
mimiB said:
Right now I could use about 8 steroid injections. If I had the medicine here, I'd do it myself, but I'd feel like a mosquito at a nudist convention. I know what I came here to do but I don't know where to start,.
Hi JW. I can relate to what you say. Both of my upper legs and knees were badly affected - I saw were because it's improving. I'm now in my 8th month of not being able to walk more than half a block without stopping to rest. THe SSZ took a long time (4 months before I noticed anything) but I am finally getting some relief. Problem with cortizone is that it goes in your blood stream and it also weakens the muscles with prolonged use. If using it once of twice provides some relief great, but I imagine a DMARD will be necessary. I've spent a lot of time resting with legs up, doing gentle yoga on my back, and hoping. Seeing a good physio also helped because she opened up the knee which was constricting due to the pain. Don't stop hoping.
Coping said:
I've never had a cortisone shot and I'm wondering if it helps with the pain and mobility. My main pain joints are knees and hips. Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever walk again. It's been 8 months since I've been able to walk more than a block. I'm definitely getting some relief from SSZ. Any thoughts?
JW said:
I've been having the same thing, and it's severe to the point of difficulty walking and even sleeping at times. I'm having a lot of pain in my SI joints, but my right leg is especially bad. Not so much the joint itself .. possibly tendons, ligament/muscle etc from my buttocks right down to my calf, even into my foot when it's really bad. I'm also having similar pain in my shoulders, tingling in my hands, etc. It even affects my neck at times. My Rheum is sending me for an MRI - he's wondering if it's Enthesitis or Ankylosing Spondilitis. He hit my rt. shoulder with cortizone a few weeks back but wants the MRI before giving me cortisone in my Hips etc. He says the MRI will tell him where the inflammation is.
Not only is this scaring the crap out of me, it's extremely painful as many of you know all too well. I've even missed work over this, and I'm only able to work part time. Yes, I'm really scared, wondering what's going to happen next :(
Glad to know lots of others have this too. Thought I was crazy because I haven't really seen much data on it. I have daily roaming tendon pain and swelling. I'm always wondering what part won't be working tomorrow. Will have to ask my doc now that I know it's fairly common.
hi Mimi. -- good to see you again. I've not checked in on this site for awhile. As to your question...I have had severe pain in my feet which was diagnosed as Plantar Facciitis =But my rhuemy told me it is caused by the PsA. It comes and goes. But yes, I do not have "flares" (although one or more joints may be screaming louder than the rest...still my pain is pretty much always here, always bad....My symptoms do roam in extremity from one place to another but I have not had ONE single day where I got out of bed (without groaning or swearing) and said "Wow! I feel pretty good today". Nope . Not once.
Oh yes! I know this one. My main pains have always been from enthesitis and it roves around my body at will. Yesterday was typical example, right shoulder woke me, excruciating until I got it moving more smoothly, outsides of my feet and front of right ankle as I waddled to the bathroom and dressed got to work then disappeared only to be replaced by the left wrist on the little finger side (pinkie) that lessened after an hour or so and my left ankle took the lead, pain from the front of my foot to mid shin which stayed most of the day and was enough to make me swear under my breath…at one point I was convinced there was an invisible gremlin wielding a sharp knife clinging to my leg and stabbing me with each step!!
Anyway…I could go on but you get the idea…it doesn’t stop moving it can stay months years or 2 steps often comes without warning and goes the same way. My other halves theory…I’m a freak!! Lol
It's so weird how I can go all week long with my knee pain only being 10-20 mins in the morning but, when the weekend comes and I have to work my knee swells up for my entire shift before I even go to work. Then I go home and go to sleep and wake up without any knee pain. The next time it happens it will often be the opposite knee that does it too. Now, my shoulder hurts everyday. I get it to loosen up during the day but, it has a very dull pain inside it all the time. If I try to push or pull in a certain direction I get excruciating pain. When I am home for the night I put my heating pad on it or my menthol rub on it and it really feels amazing! When I try to go to sleep though it can be very annoying and hard to find a way to lay. I definitely want to get a new pillow! I also had wrist pain so severe I had to wear a brace and I couldn't open any jars or pick up a gallon of milk. I tried to help move our coffee table and I couldn't hold the table that long. For the most part I haven't had that pain for months but, every now and then it does tend to hurt. My ankles are the same way, some days are great and others they hurt. My fingers and my finger tips are all sensitive. My hips hurt certain days... I will just start walking and get sharp pains in my hips out of no where and then they will stop hurting. My lower back tends to hurt a lot, especially if I sit too long. My neck is sore most days. Oh and my feet hurt a lot but, I am on my feet at work. I have really good shoes and orthopedic inserts. I also have something I roll my foot on when I get home that really helps!