Metallic taste

Hello fellow PsA sufferers.
I have recently been diagnosed and I won’t go into all my details at this stage.
However two weeks ago I was commenced on Methotrexate 10mg weekly. So have only had two tablets.
I continue to take Meloxicam 7.5mg three times a week.
For the last few days I have an increasing metallic taste in my mouth, which is starting to be very distressing. Apparently this can be something experienced whilst taking Methotrexate.
Apart from mouth rinses,sucking mints and drinking lots I can’t get past this.
Has anyone else suffered from this discomfort and if so do you have any solutions ??
Thank you

Yes, I had that for a few months in the beginning with mtx. I called it “my dirty penny taste”. I sucked mints, and eventually it went away. Thank goodness.

Oh so it lasted for a few months …?
I’m not sure I will be able to endure that.

I really hated it. It diminished after a few months, then I switched to the injectable form, it went away all together. You might want to ask for a switch. There is also some thought that the injectable form is more effective, as it bypasses the digestive system.

When you had the injectable form how often did you have those, still weekly or were they longer lasting ?

Weekly, just like the pills. The injection is about as painless as it can be: the needle is very fine and the drug doesn’t sting or anything. Really easy.

It does sound a possibility - thank you

I had this experience on both the MTX pills and injections. I couldn't tolerate either for other reasons, so don't know if it would have dissipated.

I guess it must be a bit of trial and error.
I have been trialled on several other medications leading to this so I will have to wait and see. I must say the taste is abating a bit today so am wondering if it will worsen when I take the next mtx tablet on Monday.

My experience mirrors Seenie's. The dirty penny taste faded after a few months and disappeared entirely when I switched to mtx injectable.

Does anyone find the symptoms are worse in any particular season eg worse in colder months ?

No I found the dirty penny taste was in all seasons though increasing my water by a quart or 2 a day helped a lot.