Note from Seenie: Reb_el is in British Columbia, Canada. The specific information in the responses reflect Canadian law.
I'm wondering if anyone had to go on medical leave in the early stages of PsA and if so did it help to not be working or did it make you more depressed? I've literally cut my hours in half at work (I'm a hairdresser) and it doesn't seem to be enough still. I haven't found the right medication yet so the pain just seems to be getting worse. Thanks in advance.
I have been off work for three and a half months of the four they allow for medical leave on EI. The MAXIMUM you can receive on EI is $936 every 2 weeks (plus you need to take off Provincial tax of about $45 each payment).
There is a 2 week waiting period before you can get any money.
You need a Record of Employment stating medical leave, and your doctor needs to sign a specific medical certificate, and the doctors usually do a month off at a time and then reevaluate. I told my doctor I wanted 2 months off at a time as it was less stress on my plate that way, and I could just really focus on my health.
I found the time off to be one of the best things I have ever done, particularly in terms of sorting out my health issues. I have been available for whatever appointments I need to be at, and can really focus on how I am feeling, where I'm feeling it, how the meds have been affecting me, able to do lots research, swim and go to the gym, etc. I am 41 and this is the first time I have been off for longer than a vacation since I was 15 years old. I have reevaluated my job and strengthened personal relationships all in anticipation of what I will be dealing with as a PsA patient. I admit that there was a few weeks of feeling blue, but I think that was really more due to the fatigue, pain and insomnia that I had been dealing with for months. If you have the option to take the time off, DO IT. My husband has been working 13 hour days to maximize his over time to keep us afloat (we each have a mortgage to pay....) and it is not lost on me that I am very, very fortunate to have been able to have this time off.