Lost touch with friends

The hardest thing that has happened to me since my dx in 2012 has been my "friends" disappearing. I use to have friends that would call for lunch, coffee or to just say "hello". When I pick up the phone to call them, there is always an excuse into why they cannot talk or get together. One even had the nerve to tell me that seeing me reminded them on how fragile ones health is and they want to be surrounded by people who are healthy.

There are times I just pick up my phone to see if it is still working.

Don't get me wrong, I am involved in a book club, church and support my children's events. It is just now I am an outsider looking in .

This is when I knew I had a chronic illness and how much your life can change.

Oh my.. I had supposedly friends that said, I got tired of calling--u always said no. That is when I was first diagnosed and had to get the right mix of medications