Is there a good time and day to give yourself a weekly enbrel injection? Before or after activities...etc

Yep, mine is tonight and I’m really looking forward to it! (particularly after that waterskiing on the weekend)…

On that note, I do usually inject towards the end of the week because my job is quite sedentary, but with a three year old I like to be able to move a bit on my weekends!

I’m a fast metaboliser apparently, so if I’m having an underlying flare, the last 3 days of the 7 day injection cycle get progressively worse.

Not too sure about whether it will lead to fast relief or not as Im not in a lot of pain, dont have those kind of flares..just some discomfort.... That's why for me it was a very hard decision to go on enbrel or not. The usual discomfort I face is the inflammation and stiffness but it's nothing I can not manage. However, my rheumatologist has me on enbrel because it is hoped it will help with the inflammation which is crucial in preventing damage/disability in the future. I only have mild to moderate PsA but i would hate if it progessed into a more severe form. In my particular case I will see relief more in the long term if it helps me avoid damage / disability.

Altho I should see reduced inflammation n stiffness sooner, right!?? The nurse told me last week that full effects dont occur until 3 months but can anyone tell me how soon a person starts seeing an improvement in inflammation swelling stiffness. I forgot to ask the nurse this Q last week.

Even tho Im not doing too badly...I still wonder what it will feel like to have my old foot back if enbrel works...i hate the feeling of stiffness and having limited mobility in my toes. It's such a strange sensation!!! Kind of scary! Or I wonder what it would be like if I didnt have those quick flashes/shooting pains in my foot anymore..those that just occur just like that...doesnt matter what i do...altho mine are short lived, i often wonder if they'll last longer the next time ...that's my fear!

Being diagnosed not too long ago, it is still so strange and even tho my PsA is mild and managable... i still see a big difference frm before and it is shocking to me the change. I cant imagine how others may feel I know others have it much worse than I.

Anyways had my 2nd enbrel injection last night right before bed. And it stung like it did last wk ouch but i didnt get any SE at the injection site. I did feel sick to my stomach (just a little) this morn & the car ride this morn made me feel like i was on an amusement park ride but Im hesistant to link it to the enbrel shot last night. Are these normal symptoms after taking the shot..or when you wake up the mornign after taking it? I must say that I am so happy that there is an auto injector. I couldnt stand it if I had to use the syring... to each their own but I wouldnt be able to use it. With the auto injector you dont see the needle. It's fab! I totally reccomend it esp to those ppl who dont like standard needles!!! I dont know if it's true that it stings more than the syring/needle but for me I dont care, the auto injector is so easy to use and you dont see the needle and you dont need steady fingers/hands to use it. The stinging doesnt last either so even if it is more painful it is manageable.

So Jen , how come you inject after water skiing..what are your symptoms after taking the shot? I hope you are well.