Hot flushes

Hi all, do any of you consider hot flushes to be part of your PsA? My reason for asking is that mine seem far worse when I’m having a flair yet I noticed that after an IM of steroid which gave me a good 4 weeks of pain/fatigue relief I didn’t have one hot flush! I am femail and at that age so I would be interested to know if younger ladies and men suffer with hot flushes too.

I was having hot flashes when I was on methotrexate but they stopped when I stopped using methotrexate.

I'm not a younger lady but I went through the menopause about 7 years ago so would have expected hot flashes to have stopped by now. Still get 'em. I am on Methotrexate & Humira. Rightly or wrongly I put it down to general PsA-related nonsense. Sometimes I think the world economic crisis is due to PsA, but that could be slightly exaggerating its impact.

My hot flushes, or rather one long hot nightime flash started about 12 years before my PsA diagnosis. Then I hit the menopause and boy did I then get those awful sudden rushes of heat in addition. Around the same time I'd been put on a blood pressure medication that was a vasodilator and at the peak I was getting a flash every 8 minutes 24/7. It was exhausting. Eventually my BP medication was changed (it wasn't helping anything) and the flashes settled a little. I'm now past the menopause but still feel as if I'm going to spontaneously combust at night. Like Sybil I suspect this is general PsA related nonsense which I've had no relief from now in getting on for 18 years.

Hi. I was recently lucky enough, in a wierd kind of way, to visit a GP who told me he had PsA. He was great. He told me he is like a menopausal woman with hot flushes all the time. ....I too have found that PsA is a contributor to my hot flushes. So me and the GP reckon hot flushes are at least part of PsA :-)

Thank you all for the replies, I feel more encouraged that I’m not just imagining these severe hot flushes to be a symptom of the PsA, I’m now convinced! Very interesting to hear about your GP MacMac :slight_smile: