Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow?

From my blog, rannygahoots:

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow?

The result of running my
fingers through my hair after
my shower.
As if my life wasn't "interesting" enough, one of the few side effects from my meds is hair loss. It's gotten worse lately. Going from Enbrel to Remicade for my PsA is my next step in treatment. One of the ramifications of remicade is that my hair loss may get worse. A lot worse.

Now, I'm not someone particularly fussy about or attached to my hair. I do like to have fun with it. At the moment it's purple. I have an array of funky bandannas and other hair coverings that I wear almost every day.

Bald, however, is something to which I had never given much thought. Although it's not probable, it is possible that I'll lose enough hair for it to be very noticeable.

You know how the more you think about something, the more you notice it around you? Well, I've been noticing bald women lately. Alia's mother in Dune, Lady Jessica, is bald, which I guess is fitting. Borg women are bald. Delenn from Babylon 5 is bald. Too bad my life isn't science fiction - although it's seeming like it more and more these days!

So what do I do should my hair loss get worse? Try a shorter cut? Shave my head? I guess I'll have some time to think about it. Maybe I'll have time to think about it? As always, I'll try to have a sense of humor about it and have fun with it. Hmmm...I wonder if there are any good funky wig shops on ...?

I know, hopefully we'll figure something out!

I lightly shampooed my hair, had to clean the drain out 3 times for the water to go down, I won't even rub it with the towel anymore. I think a wig will be in my future!