I must say, I really like this Dr. He really listens and doesnt just blow me off. He also takes the time to go over everything with me (and hubby) rreally well.
Today we went over my xrays from last visit. Ouch! So, Im not totally off my rocker when I say various parts of my body hurt. Even hubby and I (relatively unexperienced eyes) were able to see problem areas on my xrays. Pelvis, hips, knees, and fingers are all showing moderate arthritic changes consistant with PsA. Nothing is bad enough to need surgery yet, but we are discussing vairous injections (no steroids due to family history of difficulty) and therapy for my hands. We increased the MTX to 15mg (double what it was) and are adding celebrex short term to help with break thru pain. He also wants to have my liver function test checked in 2 weeks when I see my new primary dr and if they remain normal then we are increasing MTX to 20mg for 6 weeks. If it does't show signs of helping, then we are going to add either embrel or humera.
I also getting a referal to dermatology for a biopsy of my skin to "make sure" it is psoriasis. He said he was certain it was, but he wanted to cover all the bases. It also looks like I may be getting an MRI of my pelvis to get a better look at a few areas that concern him. My joints look like someone MUCH older than 38. This saddens me greatly!
Since my hands have been giving me the highest pain and most trouble, I am also getting a referral to hand therapy. Should be fun since it takes $50 in diesel to make the trip. May need to look into borrowing my moms care for those trips.
All in all I think it was a productive trip. I am anxious over starting the higher lvl of MTX. He did say it was up to me how I take them. I could divide into 2 doses or take all at 1 time. Not sure hubby quite understands MTX as he just told me he would rather I be on it than a biologic. Oh well, Im on it for at least 8 more weeks, so we will see how it goes. Oh, and I am enrolling officially in the Yoga and getting a gym membership tomorrow. Hoping some Yoga and other low impact exercising will make me feel a little better. If nothing else, help my brain feel better!!