Going to GP Monday to ask for referral

I think it’s time. I am going to ask my GP questions and ask for a referral to a Rhuemy that lists that he treats PsA. It will be a 2 1/2 hour drive, but the one I have seen here has let me go for a year w/out checking my joints for damage and one of her nurses said, in front of everyone at the nurses station, “So, you have an anxiety disorder?” As if that that was my primary problem. I said, “Yes, I was sexually abused as a child!” I wish I would have said, “What does that matter? That’s not why I’m her, an that’s NOT my primary problem right now!”

I have been in recovery for 25 years and have made a lot of changes. Something’s have not changed yet, but that is not why I have joint pain, psoriatic nails, p on my scalp, and intermittently on my face, legs and lips.

I might be ready to start med.s for the PsA pain, but I am scared. I want to talk to a dr. T that really knows what I am experiencing.

It definitely sounds like this office is not a good match for you.

I'm curious though. . . You said he hasn't checked your joints for damage. They can check for inflammation on exam, but not necessarily damage, unless it is severe. But it would still need to be followed up by imaging. Did you mean he hasn't checked for inflammation?

My GP did check my SED rate. It was in the normal range.

What people have said on this site is that you can have damage and pain without a high SED rate. are you saying that they dont need to the joints for damage?

Stoney said:

It definitely sounds like this office is not a good match for you.

I’m curious though. . . You said he hasn’t checked your joints for damage. They can check for inflammation on exam, but not necessarily damage, unless it is severe. But it would still need to be followed up by imaging. Did you mean he hasn’t checked for inflammation?

I have a normal sed rate. My doctor judges inflammation by feeling my joints and treats accordingly. We’ve done very few x-rays.

Many of us have normal tests. It doesn't mean we don't have PsA. I think a joint exam and some imaging is important.

Thanks everybody. I have not seen the new Rhuemy since Sept. No one has “checked” my joints for a year except for my GP checking my SED rate. The first Rhuemy that checked anything was a year ago in March and he moved out of town. He wrote in the report that IF it is PsA, it’s mild and take NSAIDs. I still do not have a dx. and all the effected areas are getting worse. I am sick of it getting worse and seeing Dr.s that I believe do not know about PsA. Like the first one telling me “PsA advances very quickly and yours hasn’t”. And my GP treating my nails for fungus when the test was neg. for fungus. And the Dermatologist giving me some ointment and saying, “no, I don’t need to see you again.” (Ever?). It just makes me feel like crying when I think of the poor care that I have gotten in this town.

That's horrible that the nurse announced your personal history with everyone ! Surely, she violated HIPAA regs. Sounds like the 2 1/2 hour drive will be well worth getting away from that office and hopefully you find good care.

Yes it definitly was against the law and I could do something about it, but I don't have the energy. Maybe I'll write a letter to the doc. some day. Thanks for your good wishes. I am making a list right now of questions to ask my GP before I ask for the referral. We all seem to have struggles with docs! Thanks

Yes, many of us do/have struggled finding a good doc - you are not alone. Good luck with your referral and good for you for firing your doc !

I got two shots in my foot for the pain and swelling and ordered new orthotics. I’m feeling much better about my doc.s. The foot doc gave me a Valium and a pain pill to take before the appointment. I’m feeling like they believe that I really do have pain that is interrupting my life.

Also got a referral to a new Rheumy. My G.P. said that he has had other PsA patients treated by this doc. I asked my General Practitioner if he thought that I had PsA. He said he felt that I do have some kind of arthritis that is not osteoarthritis. The conversation, about the nurse announcing personal information at my last Rheumy appt. went well. I am feeling better about my G.P. also. I think the pain log that I’ve been keeping, and shared with him helped too. He said, “It sounds like you’re having a lot of pain.” I’m feeling heard! Yea!

He also agreed to give me something for pain when I get the flu and/or a sinus infection b/c I told him the pain in all my joints gets so bad during that time.

My Rheumy appt. is in the first week of April. I’m feeling hopeful and also fearful of what may be recommended. It feels like it’s all a process of acceptance and weighing the pros and cons. Thanks everyone! I’m glad this site is here for us!