Going to GP Monday to ask for referral

I think it’s time. I am going to ask my GP questions and ask for a referral to a Rhuemy that lists that he treats PsA. It will be a 21/2 hour drive, but the one I have seen here has let me go for a year w/out checking my joints for damage and one of her nurses said, in front of everyone at the nurses station, “So, you have an anxiety disorder?” As if that that was my primary problem. I said, “Yes, I was sexually abused as a child!” I wish I would have said, “What does that matter? That’s not why I’m her, an that’s NOT my primary problem right now!”

I have been in recovery for 25 years and have made a lot of changes. Something’s have not changed yet, but that is not why I have joint pain, psoriatic nails, p on my scalp, and intermittently on my face, legs and lips.

I might be ready to start med.s for the PsA pain, but I am scared. I want to talk to a dr. T that really knows what I am experiencing.