Ginger helps relieve nausea

Ginger, may help your nausea and also helps with travel sickness. It helps with digestion as well and soothes your tummy and helps relieve wind. There are sachets to make a drink. You can grate it and put in with lemon and honey and drink it. You can find candied ginger or ginger in candy. Best of all use it in your cooking.

I really like to make a cup of hot water and throw a nice slice of ginger in it. It is soothing and seems to warm my system up when I am feeling tired.

Interestingly enough, I’m a bit like indigo - ginger seems to get my system going. When I first got PsA, I consumed inordinate amounts of coffee trying to prop myself up. Since I’ve learnt to be a bit gentler on myself, a lovely organic ginger and lemon tea (or two) really gives me a significant pick me up, without the subsequent low that coffee always involves.

I can have some pretty bad nausea (I have a stash of maxolon in my cupboard), and for nausea, I find peppermint tea wins hands down.

I take ginger capsules with tumeric capsules because it helps the body absorb tumeric.

I eat Turmeric daily on all my food! Didn’t know about Ginger :slight_smile: thanks!

Hi Amiga,

I read that ginger helps with the absorption of tumeric awhile ago -I don't have the article, but you can google and find info on it and decide if you agree with the findings. Hope it helps !