Getting closer now

I find it odd that after waiting so long for this SSDI hearing that I am now getting so anxious about it. All the hype and preparation that goes into getting to this point is sometimes overwhelming. I am still convinced that the government takes their time because they want us to give up. Well, I can't give up, so I waited...My hearing is in 6 days, I have all of my medical records and forms completed to take with me. Our hotel reservations are made since we have to be there at 8:30 am and it is a 2 to 2.5 hour drive from here.

All of these thoughts keep going through my head, what if I am not prepared, what if I say the wrong answer, what if I don't get approved. I have been assigned a female judge, is this a good sign or should I have better luck with a man...

There also has been a voc rehab professional scheduled to attend the hearing...what will this man's role actually be...will I be believable...will my attorney do what is right for me...

I really wish I knew someone in FL who has gone through this step that could ease my mind. But I don't. I have been praying for a positive outcome, and am asking also for guidance and calmness.

Just needed to get this out, so glad I can blog these kind of feelings here and not be judged for having these feelings.

It sounds like you have all your ducks in a row!

I am wishing you the best of luck!

Hi Alma, I'm new to the forum, have been lurking for a bit trying to decide if I belong here, as I have no official diagnosis yet. But, I wanted to reply to you. I was living in Fla. when I was approved for SSDI. I was approved for CFS, Fibromyalgia and depression ( darned near impossible to get away from being labeled depressed with CFS. :) ) the hearing wasn't too bad. they asked me some questions and due to my brain fog I lost what I was saying a few times.

the judge wondered why it took a hearing for me to be approved. a couple of suggestions. Don't dress up, put on make up and try to look healthy. I'm not saying try to look worse, or deceive anyone, but many of us women don't want to be seen not looking our best. be honest, some of us tend to downplay our symptoms, not wanted to be complainers. tell them about the difficulties of dealing with your symptoms daily, how if affects your life and what you can't do because of the symptoms.

it sounds like you are ready, you've done your homework, and you should be just fine. good luck and keep us posted. blessings MrsD.

Mrs. D, thank you so much for your kind helpful words. I do feel a little better today as I had my "prep" conference with my attorney today. He was quite encouraging. My claim is on Fibromyalgia, depression, PsA, chronic myofascial pain... Good to know about not dressing up, I didn't think about that one, slacks and a shirt with my ever present tennis shoes it will be. No makeup and I will just let my hair dry and go. I was also worried about forgetting my words and thought process when answering questions, but that may not be so bad a thing after all.

Michael, thank you as well.

I will keep you girls posted.

Hi Alma, so glad your prep went well. glad I could encourage you a bit. the not dressing up thing came for a lady I met at a support group. she was turned down repeatedly, and I had to wonder if it was because she always dressed up, heels and all, full makeup and hair done. I think they figure if you can do all that, there must be a job you can do. the people in charge of disability seem to have no idea that looks can be deceiving. :)

I would think you should be approved. you can always count on being denied at least twice and most of the time it takes the law judge to give you the benefits you earned. I know only one person that received benefits the first try, that was my aunt and she said it because they thought she was going to die quickly. LOL.

good luck and I'll be sending good thoughts. MrsD.

Hi Alma, if I counted right on my fingers today was your hearing.:) how did it go? hope you made it through ok and finally get the benefits you deserve. take care. MrsD

Mrs. D...thank you so much for your positive thoughts, I felt calmed. The hearing lasted about 45 mins. The judge was very pleasant, my atty was great! The Voc Rehab "expert" didn't really say much and never asked me any questions. I have a significant essential tremor in my right hand and lower extremities along with the PsA, Fibro, CMP, HBP, OA, DJD and a host of other things. Anyway, first question was if I was cold or nervous..."no I just have essential tremor" well at that point the judge focused on my hands to the point that she never even questioned my back, hip, shoulder or any other painful condition. She went through the formalities of demographics, past work history, how do I get my daily household chores done... Never asked me about hobbies, medications side effects or anything like that, which were some of the things my atty prepped me for. Anyway, I left with the following: I will receive a letter within 2 weeks telling me when and where to go for x-rays of my hands and an evaluation by a therapist for my hand strength, rom, etc. Then when the judge gets that report she will make a determination and inform my atty and myself. So probably will have to wait another 6 weeks, hah, probably longer. My atty has worked with that particular judge many times and said he sees no reason for this request except that it may be formality. He felt the judge was impressed with me and he did compliment me as to how I handled the hearing. So that made me feel good...then he told my husband that he would wager his fee that I will be approved. I sure hope he is right!. I can see the point of not dressing up and overdoing. I wear my hair short cause it is too hard to take care of otherwise, I never wear makeup anyway due to allergies, and I rarely dress up even when working I worked in scrubs. So for me that was easy. I wore black elastic waist slacks, top and my ever present tennis shoes. I will certainly keep you informed when I receive a decision. Thanks again.

Hi Alma, so glad the hearing went well. interesting about the referral for further testing. hopefully the tremor just caught her attention and she felt it hadn't been explored enough. I expect you will have positive outcome in the end, but it sure does take a long time doesn't it? oh, know what you mean about short hair. I have very thick hair and because of my last haircut have decided to be one of those little old ladies with a braid down her back, but it is shoulder length now, and I'm rethinking that decision. LOL. Hope you get some good news soon. take care. MrsD.