Flying and Flare Ups

Does flying = flare ups for you?

"Anyone else flare after flying a long distance? I have terrible flares and sleep for 1 to 1 1/2 days ( no exaggeration) when I fly to Europe from Washington, DC. When I fly 4 hours, I have no symptoms.

Do you think it could be the cabin pressure? Does this happen to anyone else?

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It’s the jet lag too plus on a longer flight you’re sitting for longer. And the jet lag is worse USA to Europe and than the other way around. That static stuff murders me. I swell up on an hour’s flight, I’d be stuck on a 4 hour flight and a UK to to USA flight leaves me stiff, swollen and very tired too.

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Yes, it used to when I flew. The longer the flight, the more likely a massive flare, even if there wasn’t much time change difference. In the end, I put it down to oxygen deprivation. Did you know we all sit around on planes with about 92% oxygen saturation? Probably not very good for us. Not sure what can be done about it :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Thanks @Jen75 and @Poo_therapy for replying. I think it’s so odd that I sleep for a day and a half after landing o have a massive flare up. And this is after getting a prednisone shot before I fly.

Why do you get a pred shot before you fly? If you fly often that won’t be good for you at all. In the UK we’re only permitted a max of 3 pred shots a year for jolly good adrenal gland reasons too.

I can’t travel to Europe without a prednisone shot. Even with it I have get a terrible flare upon arriving or sleep for a day and a half. I also get a horrible flare when I return to the states and have to take steroids.

If I were you I would try flying somewhere else and return to a different location. :grin: Sorry, not making light of your issue. But I was told that statistically, 85% of all serious car accidents happen within a mile of home. So we moved right away! Travelling is rough on the system from many angles.

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Yes, for me I think it’s the stress of air travel. And flare’s worse & recovery is harder when I’m flying into a future time zone for some reason, US east coast > London, Dublin, or Europe. Zonkers. Mindfulness and meditation have helped enormously.

That’s because you actually lose hours rather than gain them so the jet lag kick back is worse, which compounds the whole thing. It’s far easier going east than west. So when I in the UK visit family in the USA I cope far quicker. But when I return home, I’ve lost hours so the jet lag kicks harder.

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Definitely. I came back from a long haul trip two weeks ago and I’m still not 100% recovered.

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Did you sleep a lot? how many hours?


I did more resting than sleeping -lots of rest with short bursts of only absolutely necessary activity and several short catnaps each day. I don’t know if that was the best way but it seemed to suit me.

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