First Injection?

Hi guys,

I have the injections in the fridge ready to go, but when I asked Rhumy today, do I need somebody to show me how to do the first one, he said No. that its not that hard to do, and as I have a sister on humeria, she could show me how its done, Well thought no more of it and went to collect my perscription, the pharmacist told me she never heard of such a thing and said I did need to be shown by a Humira Nurse, ...... So I rang the Rediscover group here in Ireland who you need to register with to get the sharps bin, and she also insisted I ring back the Rhumy , .............. So I did and he rang me back after about 30mins with the same reply, that I dont need to get a nurse to show me, and that my sister could show me.......... okkkkkkk, so then I rang back the and she said that I cant do it myself first time, also my sister wouldn't be comfortable showing me as she was shown by a nurse and so should I... My question is has anyone ever been given no instructions with the pen, just got on with it themselves???

I use the auto-inject Simponi pen and was able to follow the instructions that came with it. It was very easy. When I was using pre-filled syringes when I was on Enbrel, (the kind where you have to pinch the skin and stab with the needle, and then push the plunger, the nurse at my Rheumy's office showed me how to do it.

Hi sjg,

I have seen auto-inject pens, but I never have used one myself. Many people in my family use them for MS (could be a different procedure--different med, different pen). I think any of them should be easy enough, but the bottom line, IMHO, is that you are not comfortable giving yourself an injection without instruction from a nurse. If you aren't comfortable, then you need a nurse to show you how to do it. What's the big deal on the part of this doc? How tough is it to simply have a nurse show you how to do it the first time? It's your health care and your injection. You should be comfortable with it from your very first injection forward. I'd hold out for the help you want, even if it is easily accomplished. You shouldn't have to feel uneasy when beginning any new med. Hope you get some help to resolve this. Stick to your guns and good luck!

Hi guys well I finally have humira nure calling in the morning and will go through
Everything with me, so happy now, but so tired came back to bed this morning
Just woke up now, so going to get up now, just exhausted all the time :frowning: when I even touch my
Joints they are all so sore :frowning:

Byrd Feeder said:

Hi sjg,

I have seen auto-inject pens, but I never have used one myself. Many people in my family use them for MS (could be a different procedure–different med, different pen). I think any of them should be easy enough, but the bottom line, IMHO, is that you are not comfortable giving yourself an injection without instruction from a nurse. If you aren’t comfortable, then you need a nurse to show you how to do it. What’s the big deal on the part of this doc? How tough is it to simply have a nurse show you how to do it the first time? It’s your health care and your injection. You should be comfortable with it from your very first injection forward. I’d hold out for the help you want, even if it is easily accomplished. You shouldn’t have to feel uneasy when beginning any new med. Hope you get some help to resolve this. Stick to your guns and good luck!