Feet and hands!

I wanted to ask if the feeling that bones across the top of my feet and hands feeling cracked was caused from PsA? They will also feel scolded. I read about the pads of them all the time but not the tops. Dead in the center of my hands will feel like it's burning or something is being driven into it.

One more question and unfortunately it's not a pleasant topic. I'm trying to delay going to a podiatrist lol. If anyone has the whole thickening thing going on and has advice I am willing to listen! They are getting harder to trim and are getting tender due to pressure.

Thanks in advance and tender hugs!

Get your butt to that podiatrist! Psoriatic nails typically thicken and if you can't manage them yourself you need a podiatrist. Keep an eye on any thickening skin on the soles of your feet as this can also be psoriasis .... the podiatrist scraping/cutting that away could make it worse (Koebner) and is best treated by soaking, a lactic acid and urea cream for hyperkeratosis, topical steroid and emoilient. I ignored this until it was so bad (very severe) that I couldn't walk for the pain and split skin and I've just entered my second year of treatment to heal it. Please do not delay getting help.

Does this sound like it could be neuropathy? When you use words like burning, that's what I think of. If there's inflammation, it can lead to nerve pain.

Feeling like the bones could be cracked. . . . there's a lot of small bones, so lots of joints. Why delay going to the podiatrist? If you've got inflammation in your feet and nail thickening, the podiatrist could be your best friend.

The bones across the tops of my feet hurt. They go from mild to moderate to nearly severe pain. When it's at its worst, there is some burning. In my case it's because the cartilage is completely worn away between some of the joints on top of my feet and I imagine bone on bone rubbing is similar to rubbing two sticks to start a fire--it gets HOT!

I try to avoid bending my feet as much as possible, wear sturdy, stiff shoes with a cushy tongue, and unfortunately, I have to limit long walks--which I also limit because if I walk more than a block, not only is it hard on my feet, but my legs get really weak and sore due to my bad back. I apply Voltaren gel to the tops of my feet and use ice packs, heating pad, and minimal OTC pain meds (tylenol/aspirin).

Hopefully, you will find some of my suggestions useful. My hands have been doing really well since I started Enbrel, so can't help you there!

Hi Twgarrett! Welcome to the club! I agree with Stoney you describe the scalding feeling of neuropathy. Since starting gabapenten it has helped a ton, I can sleep at night with the sheet touching my toes again, yea! I still have trouble when extremely swollen but better by far. My PSA nails are starting to grow normal again since humira, first time in about 10 yrs myself. One big toe is half normal looking, amazing to see. Also since starting humira my hands have been great until last week when my right started hurting, swelling and causing pain up my arm. This is the first time in 3-4 months it has hurt at all which is disappointing but it is improving. The podiatrist I saw found damage in my feet from xrays but didn’t care because it doesn’t require surgery yet. I was told to wear sturdy shoes and just keep seeing my rheumy. So look them up first I wish I had; what a waste of time and money!

Hi Twgarrett! Welcome to the club. Yes, neuropathy. I have the same sensation in my hands and feet. Feels like all the bones in my feet a broken. I wear shoes with a high arch support and lots of cushion. Trying walking a few times a week to move the fluids around in your legs and feet. Also use hot pads and ice packs to reduce inflammation.

My skin and nails are also thick. If you let the skin get too thick it can crack. It's a lot harder to heal a crack so stay on top of this. Go to that podiatrist sooner than later. Or you will be dealing with a bigger problem. Stay on top of your symptoms.

For my hands, I use creams to keep them soft. They also peel in the summer months and it is very painful. I have some medications to help with that. Honestly, stay on top of your symptoms and go to the doctor. It is easier to keep things in check when you are one step ahead. Good luck!