The subject of my feet came up again in another thread yesterday so rather than hijack that with my woes I will post my update in its rightful place:
So I started this thread in November 2014 when my foot psoriasis had been a bit of a problem since summer. Here I am a year later and, sadly, my foot psoriasis is still a problem.
I hit rock bottom with self-management around February/March time and visited my GP for help. His advice was a daily regime of a 15 - 20 minute soak in warm water with a liquid emoillient additive to soften the plaques, followed by a lactic acid and urea cream to break down the plaques, followed by a betamethasone and calcipotriol steroid gel which following the two previous steps meant the steroid stood some chance of actually reaching the inflammed skin.
I did this every night and often also topped off with huge dobs of emoillient cream and wrapped my feet with cling film or sported a fashionable range of plastic bags on my feet to bed each night. Mornings were lactic acid/urea cream and emoillient cream. I can't describe what a mess a couple of carpets are where I've walked with all this gunk oozing out of my bags/socks etc (note to self: book carpet cleaning man!).
It helped. Over the course of around four months I got something like a 70% improvement in the original areas of plaques. But the moment I missed a night of soaking/slathering/covering or I spent too long on my feet during the day then the plaques would flare and deteriorate almost before my eyes. One step forward, two steps back.
Just this last week or so I have noticed that the plaques and underlying skin along the ball/MTP's of both feet is finally showing signs of healing. The plaques are disappearing, the splitting has stopped and the skin looks pink and healthy not red and inflammed. There are a few 'new' patches where these previous plaques have crept towards and between my toes -- these are sore.
My heels are hard to quantify. Improvement in some places and still spreading in others but so long as I keep them as soft as possible it stops the deep, deep fissues which makes it slightly more bearable. I'm back to see my GP on 25th ... to see whether he thinks it's time for a dermy review. I probably should have pushed for this sooner but to be truthful I've been alot more concerned and busy getting myself better rheumatology care.
I did see a PsA expert for a second opinion a while back and I did ask why my biologic (Simponi) wasn't helping my skin when it seems to be suiting me quite well for my joints. It should be, there was no explanation for why it isn't. And it's not just my feet, my hands are quite patchy and I'm getting intermittent inverse in all the "usual" places as well as being driven nuts by my ear canals and the folds behind my ears.
So I have three of my own theories based on events of 2014 when it flared: (i) it is a side-effect of Simponi ... this is, I think, the least likely albeit not impossible cause, (ii) it is a response to the doubling of my beta-blocker (atenolol) dose, (iii) stress.
My money is on a combination of (ii) and (iii). Worsening pre-existing psoriasis is a known side-effect of atenolol. Stress? Yes, I reckon my PsA merry-go-round and treatment battle, being unable to run my business/work any more because of my health, losing my sister-in-law in tragic circumstances overseas, my husband jacking his job in (without any consultation!) followed by seven months of having him home unemployed and then losing my dearest childhood friend to cancer, all in the space of a year qualifies as stress. In fact now I look at all that in black and white I don't know why I'm even questioning why my skin is a mess. The only way is UP!