
HI, I have been diagnosed with psa. do other people get the extreme pain in metatarsil pad of foot?

It is so bad it feels like there is a nail going right into my foot, which makes it almost imposible to walk. is this a normal symptom. Also my left thumb and wrist area always feels basicaly sprained.

I am just trying to figure out is this deffinately psa. I have been taking predisone for 4 months and it

keeps it at bay but the pain is still there, but not near as bad without the medicine.

Thank you,

Jamie Santos

in one word YES.

I would talk to doc, if I was you, about something other than just slow the progression of the dissease

Welcome, Jamie!

I had the same foot pain when I was first diagnosed. Ugh. I have the thumb/hand thing, too, fwiw. I also had back, knee, ankle, shoulder and neck involvement, but I'm one of the "lucky" ones with two types of PsA. Each person experiences PsA differently.

Are you on anything else for your PsA other than prednisone? Are you seeing a rheumatologist?

My first symptom was crippling pain in my feet in the plantar fascia.

Long term prednisone can be very hard on your body and not as good at preventing damage as the biologics. Make sure you follow up with the rheumatologist for a good long term plan.

I have foot and hand pain. I have to wear shoes with great support like Klogs and Dansko.

I use heat and Salonpas and splints on my hands.

Welcome Jaime!

I wear Dansko shoes while at work and I have the sport Dansko for at home. They are the only shoes that don’t make my feet hurt as bad :).

Sometimes my disease feels like severe sprains in certain joints. I have to wrap, splint, or sports tape the area.

I also have the on and off severe foot pain, mainly in the plantar fascia, but sometimes on top of the foot as well, especially if a shoe has pressed on that area.

I will echo everyone else about long term prednisone (anything over 1-2 weeks) being a bad idea. When do you see a rheumatologist next?

Hi, Jamie, and welcome!
Foot pain such as you described was part of what led to my PsA diagnosis. I went to see a sports medicine doc and she said it was metatarsalgia. At another point, I felt as if I had a broken bone in my foot. Then it was a numbness (kind of like having a piece of tape stuck to the bottom of my foot) along with stiffness. (Extreme in the morning.) And burning/tingling in the toes that they thought might be diabetic neuropathy. Only trouble is, I’m not diabetic!
I’m a bit confused and concerned: you don’t have a PsA diagnosis yet, but you’ve been on prednisone for four months? Is the rheumatologist prescribing this for you? My GP was reluctant to give me a short 2 week course of prednisone because it can have some very nasty effects on the body. On the up side, if prednisone helps, that’s a pretty good indication that your pain is from inflammation.
This disease can be a slippery fish to catch. Good luck, and let us know what happens!

I had the best results with soaking my feet in an ice bath and I still do that from time to time.

I've just returned to work after two months off and have been having a lot of pain in my feet along with my hands by the end of the shift. Burning aching pain.....I was waiting to be relieved from the wheel the other day and was almost in tears, had to sit down as my feet were aching so bad. I have never had pain in the bottom of my feet prior to this, only toes and the top of my right foot. I see my doctor tomorrow after work and will talk to her about it.