Hi Friends,
As some of you may recall, I was diagnosed at end of March. My doctor started me on MTX (started with 20 mg once a week, now to 20 mg total with 10 mg dosages on same day in morning and evening) along with other medication, out of which he has reduced Zempred to 25% of original dosage. I have been feeling good with still some pain though but I can live with this pain level, I believe.
Things that have worked for me are:
1. Never missing even a single dosage so far (mostly at same time during the day and same times on day of MTX).
2. Lots and lots of Walking, I started with 5 mins of walking a day to 1 hour every day. Just to test myself, did a 2 day trek last week where I walked 30 miles in Indian Himalayas. I have always been into trekking and that was the most painful thing to realize that I may not be able to do it ever again but with in 3 months of starting treatment, I was able to do a mild trek, which has helped my mind to relax.
3. Curd and raw onion gave me backaches, so once I stopped them, backache has gone down.
4. Limiting my alcohol intake to only once a week, that too just couple of Beer. Although I am not sure that it was helpful :)
The major pain that is still bothering me is in both elbows, and my doctor says that it is Golfers elbow, he has pointed out that it can be injected, but I am resisting that so far, doing some simple muscle building exercises and hoping that pain will reduce with time.
I would like to add that my Rheumy has been very helpful and l like him a lot. I am not sure but hot weather may have helped as well, as for past month, temperatures (here in India) here have been above 100F during the day.
Now the most important question, I have a GF but I am not yet sure whether I should go ahead and take the next step in the relationship i.e. getting engaged. I am not yet convinced whether I should do this, because I don't want to be dependent on her, if and when the relapse happens. I still remember the 6 months before I was diagnosed, they were just too painful. Any suggestions/comments are welcome. Just to add, I have told my GF about the PsA and she is fine with it.