I need to hear from my sausagey people! Dactylitis, need advice. I’m right handed. My sausage digit is of course my right index finger. It’s also a trigger finger. It’s worse trigger wise when I 1st get up. Have any of you ever splinted your dactylitis??
Splinting is generally not recommended, as it will backfire. I’m wondering what you’ve done so far. Meds? Steroid shot for the trigger finger? Hand therapy? These can all be an important part of your management. Ultimately, surgery can be the solution for the trigger finger, but only after you’ve gone through the non surgical options.
I’ve had trigger finger release on both of my thumbs. Very simple surgery and recovery.
With great relief I can report that I have never had what I would consider either dactylitis, nor trigger finger… I certainly don’t envy you on that score…
It is only when a body part has major problems that we realise just how truely important that part is!!!
All the best for getting it sorted ASAP!!! Hugs
Sorry Stoney, I was at work when I typed the post and had to cut it short. I’ve had it injected probably y months ago. She told me it wouldn’t last but then she told me that 20 years ago when she injected my thumb and it CURED it! But it was just a trigger thumb, wasnt all swollen up. In the past 6 months or so I’ve been on 2 medrol dosepacks. I know I need to have the surgery but just thought I’d get a.
Oops…get an opinion from my fellow sufferers!
Thank you so much!
I might add it’s so swollen right now that I can’t close it to make it freeze in the trigger position. Hit it on something and make it close!! I have a few choice wordsto say then which was why I wanted to splint.