I’ve noticed several different styles of dosing in the discussions lately. Curious what the reason for the difference in why some are prescribed either one or two shots. Is that due to psoriasis, effected number of joints, DR choice??
Hey Rachael, I noticed someone mentioned they took 2 injections a week, also. When my dermatologist started me, she used my PsA dx also and was able to get me 2 injections per week but just for the first 3 months. When I was complaining of some flares this past winter, my daughter (who's that dermy's nurse) told me I could ask to have the dose changed to 2 times a week for awhile. She said some people get extra doses for awhile to get things under better control. I know it worked very well for me when I started Enbrel last summer--it kicked my PsA's butt for a few months!!!
Sure sounds like it would! My insurance covers it so well and have been on it 3 months. Slow to work but helping everything but my feet. The joints where my toes connect are constantly swollen and have neuropathy which I can tell is related since it eases when the swelling is lower. I have an appointment with my PT later this month and will discuss it with her then would have to talk to my rheumy next to get an increased script. I just wanted to be informed before asking and understand why the difference is first. Thanks!