Does numbness of hands and feet belong to PsA?

Was wondering if increased numbness of hands and feet belong to PsA. It is working it's way from the pinkie in on my hands, all over the feet. I do not have Diabetes, but do have disc problems, still not sure if that (disc) is from car accident or PsA.

I have numbness issues in both my hands and feet as well. My hands have gotten better since treatment started but my feet are still numb. Right now we are trying folic acid to improve my feet because the numbness got worse after the medication started - it seems to be helping a bit.

Hello Spinning Diva,

Folic acid seems to be a wonder vitamin with PsA. I started with 1 mg daily then up to 5mg a day when on methotrexate, it was increased to stop hair from falling out. The Mx did me no good, but I wonder if I should keep up the FA. I just checked it out, said you could not get too much, that large intake was not toxic, but deficiencies cause all sorts of problems, especially for women of childbearing age, as it affects the babies. I guess it is a question to ask, since I am now on Enbrel. Glad it is helping you, which meds are you taking, and how much FA do you take?

Thank you for responding, feel better!


I don't know if it comes with the PsA territory, but I have it too. It started with tingles, pins and needles in my feet and then progressed to numb patches that seem to be expanding. Doc thought in the beginning that it was diabetic neuropathy, but no sign of diabetes here, and no back problems.

I also have burning in my feet when I have been on them too much. I take 1 mg folic acid 6 days a week. I am seeing a neurologist in June.

Neurologist is the next step for me as well. Looks like I will be going there after my next rheumy appt.

I think I need to find another neurologist, the first sent me to pain management, the shots or anything invasive only made me worse, the second told me I had mild CT in one wrist, by that time I told him to stop the nerve and muscle tests which were excruciating to me, as surely I had it in the other, but that his diagnosis was that I was 'stiff'! Well, no kidding!

My DC still swears I have RSD and myofacial pain syndrome, the Gp came up with overlap syndrome, which is a trash diagnosis named Fibromyalgia, until Sjogren's reared it's ugly head, and the GP sent me to my second Rheumy who knew what I had (raynaud's, Sjogrens, PsA)from the questionnaire and the blood tests, before he even looked at my fingernails.

My present Rheumatologist is also Asst. Professor of University of WV. My DC told me that within a year the Martinsburg, WV hospital will be a teaching hospital like Johns Hopkins, which tells me he is in on this from the inception, so I guess I will go to the one he recommends. People travel long distances to see him, his name is Michael M. Rezaian MD. Someone asked for a specialists in the Baltimore area, he is not that far away, and worth the drive if Hopkins is not giving him what he needs. He is also one of the kindest men I have ever encountered. I am fortunate my GP, DC and Rhem all work together very well, now the hunt for the right neurologist!

My GP keeps sending me for brain scans, looking for MS. Don't need that yet, but he feels there is something still undiagnosed, but perhaps the Enbrel will help this, or the Tommy Copper, which increases circulation, I know that is a problem because I also have Raynaud's Phenomenon.

Seenie and Spinning Diva, do your toes get sensitive, like the seam in the toe of the sock driving you crazy, even the top if my head gets sore? My Rheum. questionnaire he always asks about the sore head.

BTW, I may have said it somewhere on here before, but the Rheumatologist defined FM as a condition, not a disease. He said if you take a lab monkey, severely injure his left hand, causing him chronic pain, it in time changes the brain, until everywhere you touch the monkey, he feels pain. The trick is to find and treat the cause of the pain, to heal the monkey.

I sure hope the Enbrel heals this monkey!

Kind of drifted off the subject I began, but it all seems to go together, so many facets of this!

Now the trick is to sleep, nothing has helped that yet!


Interesting that you mention it because I developed "herniated discs" throughout my back--no car accident. Yes, my fingers and toes go numb at times, and can even turn blue, I lose my speech or get slurred speech, and cannot walk certain days. Docs labeled it as Severe Fibromyalgia. I take Lyrica and Savella, and they seem to help.

After shopping for a while for physicians, I have learned that the best ones are the docs associated with a medical school. I usually choose the Department Heads. It has worked for me.

thanks for the warm welcome! Hope to learn a lot as I have had a long journey with P and PA Happy to be here.