Covid Vaccine-getting it soon

Great questions! One of the big questions with the vaccines is how long to expect them to last with the virus constantly mutating, which is what viruses do. The other question that still remains is about transmissibility.

I haven’t seen my parents in over a year in person. I will get together with them when the weather gets warmer and we’re able to meet for lunch halfway between where we live, and spend the time outside. we are not yet ready to spend time in each other’s homes for an extended period of time. I know it makes me sound like a worrywart, but I can’t help it.

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Interesting how different our experiences are. I had the Pfizer vaccine. The first one caused absolutely no reaction. I was wondering if perhaps the nurse had missed my arm. The second one three weeks later however hit me like a brick and I felt quite ill for a few days. The arm I had it in was quite painful as well. So who knows?
The nurse I saw pointed out that it was not known how effective it would be for us and that the main protection might be from more and more people around us getting vaccinated. Sensible words I thought. So I am encouraged that some of our members are helping to gather the evidence. Well done.

I’ve heard the second shot of the Pfizer throws a punch. I’ve had the first one and will schedule the second one hopefully for a Friday or something, but it won’t be for some weeks yet since I’m on the schedule that the second one is done 10 to 12 weeks later.

Well, in Canada we might get the vaccine before next Christmas. Government seems to have dropped the ball (again) or someone left the fridge door open and what we had went bad!

We are looking to take a trip and looking at states travel restrictions. It seems NY has lifted some restrictions if you have been vaccinated but if it has been more than 90 days past your second shot you have to do the quarantine/negative test thing. I am wondering what is with the 90 days. Is the shot only good for 90 days?

I was recently looking at some information on the rollout of vaccine in Canada. It’s not. I’m really surprised at that because Canada seem to usually have its stuff together.

As of yesterday, I’m fully vaccinated. As expected, the first shot was worse for me because I had covid a few months ago. I’m happy to realize that my 18-year-old should actually be eligible based on a medical condition, so I’m going to go ahead and get the letter from her doctor and make her an appointment for when she’s home next. I won’t likely schedule the Johnson & Johnson vaccine for her because that is the one that is in greater available and it’s just the one shot so she will have fairly good coverage when she goes back to school after just the one shot.

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Wonderful information on the long term affects off taking this gene therapy product (not a true vaccine).

I’m not sure whether you agree with this or don’t agree with it, perhaps you can indicate?

Where are you located Amos? I am in BC and we are soon to start phase 3, which will include those of us on biologics, so I hope to be vaccinated within the month.

Might I mention. Polio, small pox, pertussis, rubella, mumps, measles, shingles, rubella, rabies, diptheria , hepatitis a, hepatitis B, HIB, HBV, Pneumococcal. mengicoccal, rotavirus, yellow fever, typhoid, and ebola. Seem to have not become mass bioweapons., Interestingly all those diseases from which victims recovered or were exposed to did devleop mass immunity (of course those who didn’t died.) What this Horse Doctors “research” doesn’t have is any semblance of connection to his theory. Were there even a thread of legitimacy of harm to the immune system. at least ONE of these previous vaccines would have some evidence to atbuild on or at the least provide a meta analysis to design a study. None exists because there is none. I would go so far as to suggest the ludicrous nature of this “scholarly” theory is born out by his basic error of “research” (or academics?philosophy based on the premise of “proving a negative”


Hi there, I’m from God’s country, Manitoba! Just outside of Winnipeg

have just been put on list for pfizer shot from the hospital, told to not take methotrexate one week before shot, three weeks after shot, and then second shot and one last week before resuming, for a total of 5 weeks no mtxt, instead continue with monthly cosentyx

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Thanks for the update letizia. I wonder if that is standard for all vaccines? It would be interesting to know the logic behind dropping the MTX. Does it take the full time of 3-6 months for MTX to kick back in?

I certainly hope not, methotrexate pretty helpful in my case, had strong effects from dropping it while recuperating from femur fracture, but was for various reasons seriously out of shape to begin with that time. Will try to be extra careful w nutrition, and lack of it, , to compensate, with fasting and or only meat to bolster as best as poss in the mean time. Am worried my husband has not been given vaccine with me as had not registered completely as an invalid when Covid started in Italy, seem to have read that autoimmune patients can transmit virus more easily, and do not know for how long. I think I will have to have isolation set up between us.

having said that, mtxt stays in body for quite a bit apparently and 5 wks witholding med may not be a tragedy.

It’s not standard to drop mxt for the flu vaccine though. In the IK no one is told to drop mxt for the Covid vaccine either, more so because of its half life. Dropping it causes more harm or good.

@letizia there is no evidence that having had the Covid vaccine you’re now more likely to infect your husband with Covid either. Really there isn’t. You’re still going to be careful about catching it regardless of the vaccine and that’s all that matters.


In the US the American College of Rheumatology has recommended to hold methotrexate for only one week following the vaccine. That is my rheumy’s advice also.

I am still flaring after reducing and then stopping methotrexate, beginning a year ago, at his suggestion when I had been in remission for a long time. Rheumies, he told me, don’t know who can and cannot go off MTX. Obviously, now I know that I cannot.

I have been back on a full dose for just under 3 months, long enough for it to work, but he still took out 50 cc of fluid from my right knee and gave me a cortisone injection this week. I have psoriasis as well, for the first time ever, on both elbows.

There is little information as I understand it about the effectiveness of the vaccine with those of us on DMARDS or Biologics, but my rheumatoid did say that we were included in the trial.

I am considering holding MTX for one week before the second injection and one week after. Probably would be wiser to do just the one week, even though it my affect my immunity to Covid.

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I know of several Covid studies in the UK testing antibodies to the vaccine after just one dose, given our spaced out dosing regime. I also know of several people in the UK on varing DMARDs and/or biologics. You’ll be glad to know that those I know of tested now on just biologics are producing Covid antibodies. These are people who have shielded so haven’t come into contact with Covid at all. The studies are all ongoing so we will know through these studies how effective it is on those of us on these types of meds. The producing of antibodies is a fairly clear sign the vaccine is doing its job, I would have thought.


Thank you, Poo_therapy. Helpful.

I have gotten both shots of Moderna. Had a little side effect but overall I have been good. My whole family has been vaccinated. I am becoming real frustrated with this “snake” doctors