Costochondritis Sucking the Life out of Me

I know this topic has been discussed, and I’ve looked it up, but can’t seem to find answers. Hoping if I post again, I might get a clearer insight.

It appears I have Costochondritis. It started out of the blue one day in the winter, I was unable to walk the dog as my chest was mega burning, and I couldn’t breathe. Chest xrays are clear. Now over 6 months later, I still can’t walk the dog long… even turning over in bed sometimes hurts.

My NP just says to deal with my RA doc. My RA doc says …basically nothing but oh. I have looked up and everything says there’s nothing that can be done.

Is this true? I wonder if I change my foods, if it would help, If I took Prednisone? Advil doesn’t seem to do much help anymore. Is it just inflammation and suck it up (or relax it out).

I can deal with the chronic PsA pain (mostly), with the chronic fatigue, but this - this is killing me as I can’t do ANYTHING. Walking stairs hurts, walking the dog hurts, cutting the grass pains, turning over at night wakes me up. I’m coughing and my lungs are clear. (per xray and NP).

Am I doomed to just sit on the couch from this point forward in life?

Thanks for any suggestions.

Hi Catt,

Unfortunately, I think the usual advice for Costochondritis is to take anti-inflammatories, use hot / cold packs, and wait it out. For people without chronic conditions, it’s the kind of thing that can appear out of nowhere, last a month, then disappear forever.

For the rest of us, if it’s part of your range of symptoms, it’ll probably stick around for a while (or come / go cyclically) unless you can wrestle the whole disease into remission.

I had it off and on for about half a year, though not as badly as you, and I liked filling a hot water bottle and just keeping it in my armpit against the side of my chest. A nice even heat that lasted for hours. But then it gradually faded away… can still feel the spots if I press on the specific ribs near my sternum, but I only get the very occasional twinge when I’m out walking.

Thanks. I’ve done the heat, it does help. It’s just so dishearting to go outside to pick up dog poop…and have to come in and sit because I can’t breathe. Sigh.