Anyone involved in a trial? Here is a new one starting and, according to the initial questionnaire, I may be eligible. There appear to be multiple locations, one is not far from me in California. I'm going to talk to my rheumatologist next Tuesday and see what he thinks.
Remememer this is a phase III trial meaning at least a third to a half will be getting nothing and another third to a half either humira or enbrel. They already assume it works now they have to prove it is better than nothing and at least as good as either humira or enbrel (depending on the study) If you really want in and can't get into the OP's study try one of these:
Thanks, tntlamb. You said it well. My biggest fear is that I would be a "placebo" patient after years of trying to get a diagnosis and finally getting treatment. I'd be right back where I started, feeling like I'd been hit by a truck all the time.
Remememer this is a phase III trial meaning at least a third to a half will be getting nothing and another third to a half either humira or enbrel. They already assume it works now they have to prove it is better than nothing and at least as good as either humira or enbrel (depending on the study) If you really want in and can't get into the OP's study try one of these: