Clindamycin, anyone have any experience with it?

Merry Christmas! To make a long story short(ish). 47 year old female, diagnosed with PA two and a half years ago. Been on humira 8 months and methotrexate (on and off due to lung concerns) about a year and a half. About three weeks ago I saw my dentist for an access around a root canal. He prescribed clindamycin. I had to discontinue my meds while on it. This was horrifying since it would occur over the holidays. After three days my PA symptoms had almost gone completely away.

I spoke with my rheumy and she said she had see this occasionally in her practice with a subset of people with arthritis. I am still taking the antibiotic (4 weeks total). She said to go on the paleo diet to prevent further feeding the bad bacteria that the antibiotic is killing off. I see her Monday and we will make a plan for treatment with minocin.

Four days after beginning the paleo diet I began to feel awful and slept all day. I am an avid runner, I eat well, lift weights…even with PA! I have not felt like myself in days. My pain and stiffness has returned with a fever.

By curious if anyone has had experience with clindamycin or minocin and paleo. I truly appreciate any info!

I don’t have any personal experience with this, but do remember it being discussed on this site. Try searching the key words to see if you can pop up the old discussion. Best of luck!

Thanks for the reply Grumpy Cat! I did find a couple posts. I am curious to see how this plays out. I will report back. :slight_smile:

The only experience I have with it is that it's the ABX given to me when I had shoulder replacement surgery on August 23 (I'm allergic to penicillin and erythromycin). I've taken it twice since when I had dental procedures (begin crown; place crown three weeks later) (I take 4 125 mg capsules an hour before I go).

Since I had the surgery, I have felt better than I have in five years, the doc thinks perhaps because the primary source of inflammation has been replaced. My inflammatory markers were a tad higher after the surgery than before, but I am doing well on Humira alone, even with the polar vortex and rainy weather.

Have heard over the last few days some new info about the Paleo diet not being the best. There hadn’t been a whole lot of research on it as it’s a newer diet. I guess there is now some new info, as I began to hear about it in the news and on Doctor Radio. Here’s a link to a CNN article for you to take a gander at:

There also isn’t a ton of conclusive evidence from reputable studies about the role of gut bacteria on inflammation either. I don’t want to be a Debbie Downer, but I would be concerned about a doc who recommended treatments that couldn’t be backed up by good research of some sort. I’ve been thinking about your post for weeks, and it just made me concerned the more I thought about it. Maybe a second option on this would be helpful?