So had my regular checkup with my Rheum yesterday and we discussed trying a new med. I've been on Humira for almost a year now, after failing Enebrel due to bad site reactions, and while it's not terrible I don't seem to be doing any better than I was a year ago. In fact, I may be doing worse. (I'm also still taking MTX injections, though we've moved from 8ml to 6ml, and are hoping to drop it down further, since we think that's part of my fatigue and stomach problems).
Side note: Anyone else have morning stiffness that's turned into agonizing stiffness and pain? - I went from being a little stiff until I moved around, to basically being in agony for the first hour of every morning. Can't bed over or bend my spine/neck without wanting to cry, standing on my feet makes me want to chop them off, etc. A warm shower in the AM seems to help speed up how quickly this wears off, but it's usually at least an hour before I can comfortably move (and some days there's that lingering all day stiffness/pain).
Anyway, I'm not sure if it's the above that I explained to her yesterday, the fact that I'm still so fatigued I don't remember what it's like to not be tired, the lovely bout of who knows what that made my stomach and digestive system freak out last month (similar symptoms as an ulcer + mild-moderate 24 hour heart burn, which seems to have been cleared up by a course of Prilosec), or the fact that my knee was pissed off when I went in because I had to park on the 4th floor of the parking garage at work and stairs always piss off my knees.
Regardless - we've decided to try one more TNF inhibitor before trying something else, and Cimzia was the winner. Waiting on approval, and taking my last Humira this weekend (thank the spaghetti monster, I hate those shots) and was curious if anyone had experience with Cimzia they could share. I'm curious how different it is than the Humira, both in how the injections are done (I just watched the video on the website, and it looks like she injected at an angle instead of at 90 degrees to the body?) as well as side-effects or anything else.
It does get better right? Like, I've almost become resigned to this being my new normal, fatigue, morning agony, regular almost daily joint pain (lately my hips have been having none of it). I've even been trying to keep active by going to yoga a couple times a week when I can, and biking to work when the weather cooperates (it's a short 2 mile ride). I take my meds on schedule; I take my supplements (Vit. D, Folic Acid, Vit. B-12, and multi-vit.); hell, I even eat better than I ever have (including childhood!). But stasis. BLAH. I'm sure you all can relate :)
Anyway - any shared experiences will be helpful, I'm sure, in relieving some of my anxiety about moving to yet another medication.