So, humira was working great for a year, then it just stopped working for the pain. I had been pain free for so long I forgot what it was like to live every day like this. The doctor changed me to Cimzia. The pharmacy screwed up and didn’t get me my new script until a week past when I was supposed to take it, and I was already in a flare. It’s one of the worst I’ve had. Hips, shoulders, neck, wrists, hands. Anyway, I finally take the Cimzia on Thursday. It was easier going than the humira. Wake up the next day to a large raised white patch, sore, bruise like at the injection site, nauseous, achy all over, so tired. Dr tells me Iceland prednisone. Benadryl didn’t help, neither did ice. Call again, up prednisone to 20mg for pain, what can I take for pain in the meantime? Nothing, ok…so been on prednisone since yesterda you, woke up this morning, both hips are in so much pain, stiff, my right calf feels like it was cramped all night, it’s so sore. My lower back is also killing me, throbbing ache. But the hips and while right leg pain, the leg I injected into, is awful. I do not know what to do, it’s the weekend and I am not going to the ER again for them to tell me “it’s your arthritis” cuz I know! But should I worry about this awful hip and leg pain? Anyone else on Cimzia get this? Am I overreacting? I’m sorry, I need some help. Is there any pain meds that will touch this? I’ve taken 60mg Advil today, tried excedrin yesterda you, nothing. My right leg feels like it will cramp up at any moment . I’m just at my wits end and I didn’t know where else to go.
Sorry, 600mg Advil…did I also mention that I am just so tired and achy that I can’t type or think straight? Boy, I’m a mess today, sorry everyone!! thanks for reading my rant
I don't know much about pain meds. But this certainly sounds like a grim flare. Sunday's on its way ... you just need to get through that and then phone your rheumy on Monday to ask for something to tide you over until the prednisone kicks in (I'm assuming that could take a few days at least). Unless of course something tells you ER is the only way to go.
Meanwhile, don't panic. Having been pain free for so long all this must be one hell of a shock to the system. But you know you can be pain free, right? And therefore chances are this horrible flare will go the way of all flares & then be gone. What can you do to calm yourself and ease up your body? Breathe steadily and calmly, lie down and relax every muscle as much as you possibly can, stretch each limb and, if you can, get out and walk or even swim. Watch the best film you can find, cry your heart out, get a hug and or a massage if there's someone on hand. Come back on here and rant to us, we're here for you.
Perhaps someone who knows more will be along soon to suggest a medical route to relief. You sound so stressed & I do not blame you one bit but I do think you are likely to get a handle on the pain and stress soon.
itswhatitis said:
Sorry, 600mg Advil...did I also mention that I am just so tired and achy that I can't type or think straight? Boy, I'm a mess today, sorry everyone!! :) thanks for reading my rant
Thank you, I needed that! I am extremely stressed, I have an all day work event tomorrow and I’m losing my mind over it. I really hope the prednisone kicks in by tomorrow morning! Thanks again, I truly needed a pep talk from someone who’s been here
Good luck tomorrow. Get back to us please, when you have time. It'll be okay ...
itswhatitis said:
Thank you, I needed that! I am extremely stressed, I have an all day work event tomorrow and I'm losing my mind over it. I really hope the prednisone kicks in by tomorrow morning! Thanks again, I truly needed a pep talk from someone who's been here
Well, hope you are feeling better today! My guess is you are back in the gap waiting for things to work and whatever humira was still doing is no longer there and having a flare in the middle of it all doesn’t help matters. If advil ist working have you ( you can take more than 600 mg in a day safely think it’s more like 1200 mg max don’t remember Google that please) maybe try Aleve/ meloxicam. Can you call your doctor and see what they say on Monday? Also sounds like a muscle relaxer might help which is safer than pain meds usually but I am no doctor. I am sorry you are going through this especially after trying so hard to plan out the switch but like your screen name itwhatitis, love it! Rant, cry, scream but let it out and know we are here to help.
I think I am going to try a muscle relaxer today. I did alright yesterday, after a 11 hour day in a board room!! I told them ahead of time I’m going to be moving around a lot so I didn’t have to sit in that awful seat the whole time! Thank you for the response, hoping for something to kick in soon!