Just Statrted Cimzia

After being on Humira for a couple of years, weekly dosing most of that time, my rheumy has put me on Cimzia. I just did the injections a couple days ago. For starters, I really like the syringes. Easy to use and relatively painless.

I am just wondering if anyone else has experience with Cimzia & how long before you really felt it work?


Hi! I’ve been on Cimzia now for about 3 months and I love it. I had been on humira, enbrel and simponi before. Enbrel worked the best out of those three but stopped working over time.
I really like the syringes, too. My psoriasis has cleared up considerably. I noticed it working after the second loading dose.
And then with each dose I noticed more psoriasis fading away.
My joints are feeling better than they have in a long time. Right now I’m on the every other week doses. I will say that when those two weeks are up, I can feel joint pain a lot more. I hope that your experience is as successful as mine has been this far! :slight_smile:

I am glad to hear you are having success. I was on enbrel, remicade, and Humira. Humira wasn't working any more. I have only done the first round of injections so far but I have noticed my peripheral symptoms seem improved. I will have to wait and see. Thanks for sharing your experience and good luck! I hope you have continued success.

I did a 2nd round of injections. But I have been very fatigued the last few days. I guess it is going to take a while yet. Rheumy has me taking two syringes once every 4 weeks. Hopefully it will start to improve.

I just took my first shot and it is working awesome, I can only hope it continues to do so. I'm a chaser says my Doc and I need to always keep looking at the next drug how wonderful

just the one shot, why does it matter if you have a sinus infection. I have bronchitus right now.. we have a stinking disease thats not going away

Dan, haven’t heard from you in ages. How are you doing?