C1-C2, C2-3 involvement?

I had been having some right sided neck pain and happened to be in my rheumy’s office for something else. After he poked around on my neck and I nearly came out of the chair, he sent me to Physical Therapy. This time, PT didn’t give me the type and duration of changes I’m accustomed to seeing.

Sooo, when I went in to schedule my next epidural with Pain Management, the NP said we should do some x-rays and see what was going on. I won’t go into the gory details of dealing with Pain Management from June 2 until last week, but suffice to say he’s leaving August 1, I’m not a patient anymore and have an appointment with new Pain Management my rheumy recommended.

Anyhow, this set of x-rays shows involvement at C1-C2, C2-C3, in that I have no cushion whatsoever between those three vertebrae. I admit to being a bit unnerved because I know those vertebrae have to do with breathing. We talked, again, about how my banging on a keyboard for 28 years likely contributed to this one.

Everything is stable in that I don’t need surgery to “shore things up” and provide support. I do show a lot of swelling. Rheumy’s recommendation is to hold off on PT until I see new Pain Management and have injections into the new area.

I’ve done some research and a bit of reading. Is there anything else I should know about this new involvement and that area in particular?

I have nothing for you but sympathy a giant hug.


Me too. Lots of hugs.

Just sitting at a desk with your neck in an angle did this?.. wouldn’t a lot more people have it if it was just that?..

Sounds incredibly painful though… :frowning:

Both PsA and osteo did the damage, but banging on the computer hasn’t done me any favors.

In the last year, I have begun to be a bit more aware of posture and taking more frequent breaks. It’s a bit late, but every little bit keeps me banging on the computer longer and practicing longer. Once my trial is over in August, I plan to start using Dragon Naturally Speaking.

The pain comes and goes, like everything else in this PsA world–dull roar and no stiffness this morning. I’ll deal with this afternoon when it comes. Thanks.

[quote=“sixcatlawyer, post:5, topic:7265”]
I plan to start using Dragon Naturally Speaking.
[/quote] I have this on my computer at work. I never got the hang of it plus I feel like a null node talking out loud to myself!

ts sadly NOT uncommon… FWIW I had an OT redesign my work space, and it made a HUGE impact. The latest Issue of PsA Today had a great article on spine/PsA Axial PsA has FINALLY been recognized as a disease of it own

Thanks. I’ll take a look at the article (and add another thing to my "list of things to discuss at my September appointment).

My husband and I did some MacGuyvering of my work space–I have no desk, but a movable space for banging on the computer. I also have a chair and a half with an ottoman and a slew of pillows so I can move into whatever position works at the time. A discussion with an OT is a good idea. Yet another thing to add to the “September list.”

I do have stiffness and pain in C1,2,3, but I have osteo in them and have had surgery once to remove spurs. Also have C4,5,6,7 fused from car wreck. Asked doc of PsA could be in the top cervicals, he said he did think so and thought pain may be form the PsA in the shoulders.

My 2 cents. I live with chronic neck pain so I know when it changes.