Yes i remember some of it , from getting Enbrel in 2000. It was a kit, we had to mix. The water was already in the tube for us.
I injected twice a week then, 25 mg....That was for RA...And when i got diagnosed with PSA also, from the peelings...i was given 50mg, twice a week, but that was 3 yrs ago....and that is supposed to be for 3 months only, for PSA, then a smaller dose.
I always got huge bruises injecting on thigh, so when i did Humira ( even wkly), or Enbrel, always injected on side of my stomach, and didn't bruise much. But some ppl, do have a raction, need Benadryl, or discontinue med
.I did have a reaction to Remicade, funny, not the first one, maybe the 6th one. They stopped it, and gave me IV steroids and benadryl ....and resumed infusion. So now every Remicade i get the same protocol
I'm getting another opinion on 12/19...Remicade really helped the peelings, pustular, they went away, most of it...But it does wear off for me, too soon,. I get it every 6 weeks.The only other thing would help is prednisone
I'm off diabetes meds now, lower readings off prednisone...so i am going to tough it out, somehow
Good timing, i see new rheummy on the 19th, and get infusion on the 20th ( won't tell staff yet if i stay with new doc)
and rheummy will see the inflammation i get before next Remicade