Biologics and infection

The other day I was peeling plantains that were not quite ripe and I wound up separating my nails on two fingers from the skin. No big deal, except that within 24 hours one was already showing signs of infection.
I was scheduled to inject Enbrel tomorrow, so I called my rheumy to see what she wanted me to do. The nurse told me to come in for an appointment. I went in, and am now on a five day course of antibiotics and have to hold off on the Enbrel until I’m done with the antibiotic and clear of infection.
Better safe than sorry. I also have a history of these types of things getting out of control, so I’m actually pretty happy with being cautious.

It's always hard to know what to do. I never got infections readily, and since I've been on Enbrel so far I'm doing OK fighting them off (I think I'm fighting off the second cold/cough I've had in less than 3 months). A couple times I've gotten infected pores on my legs from shaving. I've used antibiotic ointment and then just hoped it would go away. I delayed Enbrel a few days for this cough, then took it even though I still had the cough and sinus congestion, and now I'm going to delay it again 4 days to make sure I'm well. It's always such a difficult decision for me.

[shakes fists] damn you plantains and your dangerous deliciousness!

Jane- Exactly!

I stepped,on a nail a few weeks after starting enamel! I also had to hold my dose! Hope you heal quickly!