Enbrel and an infection

Well folks..I'm passed the 6 month mark with the Enbrel. My psoriasis has gotten worse but my back, ankle, knee and wrist pains are not as bad. My problem now is..an infection..going on second month of antibiotics and nothing is working..how many others have fought this fight?? and did you win??

I had to discontinue Enbrel once because I could not fight off a viral bronchitis. I had fevers for 12 days and missed a lot of work. Are you still taking yours?

yep still taking it. Cannot get my rheumatologist to return my calls. Got anther 2 weeks of antibiotics and a ton of bloodwork from my GP today..he is going to try and get in touch with rheumy tho he says he doesn't usually have much luck either. Folks tell me how lucky I am to live in Canada..free medical.free is not necessarily good.

I’m so sorry you’re in this mess, Smitty. Rheumatology is one of the Achilles heels of the Canadian system. .There just aren’t enough of them, and it makes getting in and getting help hellishly difficult. I went through the same with my previous rheumatologist in Ottawa. I’ve since switched.

One technique that worked well for me was sending a fax. Somehow, if it’s written down, they take more notice, and the fax will be put into your file. If you have a specific concern and fax with a question “What do you suggest I do about XXXXXXX”, you stand a chance of getting a response. Usually worked for me.

Fever and known infection were criteria for postponing Enbrel injections, per my Rheumy and GP. You can develop serious complications and /or secondary infections. There is a contact number for Enbrel on the packaging. Please consider postponing therepy. I hope things get better soon and that Rheumy gives you the much needed direction and attention you so need. Let us know how things go.

Good idea, Angela. Call the Enbrel support people. Tell them you havne’t had any answers from your rheumie. They will contact the rheumatologist and advise you.

They are there for you 24/7 – the number’s on the Enbrel package.

thanks !!! I'm going to withhold my Enbrel injection today and try to get in touch with the rheumy again and phone the enbrel folks. They are aware of the infection. They called me coincidentally when this first started. Unfortunately my rheumy is not with the technological age..he just got a computer in his office in November and does not like it one bit. Think I'll also try to get in touch with the lady who does his study groups. Sometimes she can work miracles.

Well I phoned Enbrel and gave them an update. They will forward this on to the Drug Safety people who in return will hopefully send it off to my rheumy for clarification. Since he knows none of this, perhaps it will get me a call from him?? next step..wait til 9 when his office opens and try and get a person on the line. Enbrel lady and I had a bit of a communication problem..she couldn't understand me and I couldn't understand her..first time I've had one of them get snappy with me. Told me I should calm down and I wasn't even getting excited yet.Lord help her if she ever gets me on the phone when I am! geesh. End result..Enbrel cannot contact my rheumy..Drug Safety does that and they have no idea which reports gets sent on

Oh well, good try … you’re rattling cages. Somebody will take notice if you persist long enough. Hope you get action today, Smitty. Let us know how it goes. I am surprised that Enliven doesn’t communicate with your rheum: when I had a problem they emailed my clinic right away and I got a call back from them. Who knows …

Well I actually got a person on the phone at rheumies too..am on cancellation list..a step in right direction. I was surprised too Seenie

You’re makin’ progress there, smitty! Are you going to try the friendly touch-base every couple of days with them to see whether they can fit you in?

Do you have far to drive to get to the rheumatologist?

You’re makin’ progress there, smitty! Are you going to try the friendly touch-base every couple of days with them to see whether they can fit you in?

Do you have far to drive to get to the rheumatologist?

just over an hours drive. I'll check in with them for sure..and sugar always gets more than salt :-)

Well I got the call yesterday from the rheumies office and drove myself just over the hours drive , since on such short notice had nobody to drive me.

When He first recommended the Enbrel..I asked if it had any adverse effects to the skin..he told me none that he was aware of and so did the folks at the Enbrel hotline. Geesh!! He told me yesterday..that it can cause a worsening of your psoriasis. Had I known that I would have said NO to Enbrel. You see if there is any type of skin reaction in any drug..I will get it and ofcourse I did and it got badly infected as well. A month of fighting it with antibiotics has not really done anything. I told him about the antibiotics and decrease in prednisone my GP and I had been working on, trying to get me off of it and that I had stopped the Enbrel on my own last week. Said I would attempt it again once I got the infection cleared. He said No to Enbrel or any others in that family for me. Said to increase the prednisone back to 10 mg a day and stay on it until I see him in April. Also said to get to a dermatologist. From whom I received a call from just after walking thru the door (amazes me how fast some things can happen) I see him in 2 weeks!. Rheumy does not know what will be next..as every med we've tried so far has cause a reaction to my very, very sensitive skin.

So I ask you all...If you know of a med that will help with the all the effects of Psa without causing a reaction to my skin?? so far MTX, sulfasalazine, celebrex , Humira and an experimental drug have all caused one.