Basal temperature fluctuations

This evening I didn’t feel well, so I went to lie down, I was having cold sweats so checked my body temp. It was 96.0, I have had this happen before, when I told the nurse, she said “that’s impossible”… Anyone get this? Last time I had it happen I also got Dizzy.
Might be related to the hypothalamus, I do get Raynauds alternating with Erythromyalgia, which is probably caused by the skin temp regulation in the hypothalamus. I have increased my thyroid meds since the last episode, so that might not be the problem.
Hard to keep track of these conditions…

I usually have a low temperature Jon. I looked up 96 Fahrenheit and it is 35.5 celsius … I think my temperature was that low when I was having uncontrollable shivering / inability to get warm (in summer) which marked the start of full-on PsA. I had an under-active thyroid at the time but my rheumy said that was due to the inflammatory arthritis.

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Hi Jon,

I’m not sure it’s impossible, but it’s certainly not common - at least not to be walking, talking, and breathing at that temperature. Like really, really uncommon, which is why the nurse likely reacted like she did.

Recently it sounds like you’ve been having multiple issues, some quite complicated, some that could be nothing - but if you’re unlucky could be really serious. So whilst you might just have a bum thermometer, if you feel lousy, please head off to emergency (with a book, whatever else to make you as comfortable as possible), and feel lousy there till you can get them to both do some blood tests, and cross check that temperature.

If you feel generally fine, (or at least normal - because it can be pretty hard to feel fine with PsA :joy::joy:), then maybe just buy another thermometer and cross-check.

I have had a temp just below 36 C (96.8F) once. I felt like I was about to die, but I had never heard of a low temp like that (except hypothermia, and it was summer in the subtropics), so I thought my thermometer was broken, and didn’t do anything. . I had a virus (dengue) that caused all sorts of weird effects, and when it was at its most severe, I actually had the low temp, even though it’s generally known for its fevers. (If you are bored and curious, it’s when it becomes the haemorrhagic version, and the leaked blood starts to reabsorb…)

It took some really serious research, months later, and the thermometer that had mysteriously worked fine ever since, before I realised that the thermometer had actually been correct.

If you feel really ill, trust that. If not, your thermometer might just be in crazy town :joy:

The temp slowly went back up to 98.5 after about a hour, so that is how it would have been when I got to the ER, back up to normal… So I don’t think it is the electronic thermometer. I check my temp regularly just to keep tabs with my hypothyroid. But I will heed your words in the future, especially if I am out on errands when it happens. I am 30 minutes away from the ER, so it would be batter to call the paramedics. maybe I will also get a conventional thermometer to be sure.
The first reading was 96 then it started creeping up, it was up to 96.4 when I took the photo. imagehosting

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Sometimes when I take my temperature, which isn’t often, I wonder whether I’ve popped my clogs and just don’t know it. My husband’s temperature registers as normal with the same thermometer, though it could be just a little out I suppose.

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need to clean my thermometer… :relaxed:

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Before my temp plumitted, I was working in a room for 3 hours that had a high level of mold. i was telling one of the guys that is also sensitive, he said his basal temp dropped too after being in there! I suspect he also has a autoimmune disease, he also has hypothyroidism. So maybe it is a response to the mold?

Hello all.
@Jon_sparky I’m hoping you found the culprit for your temp drop. You know to avoid any kind of mold. I’m allergic to mold so I try to avoid it as much as possible. Have you ever had a reaction to it before?

I had a temp drop last night for a bit. I had a migraine. The first in a long time. I took some Motrin, only 400mg and laid down in my bed. It made the migraine worse and I started shivering like it was 20 degrees. I had to get out of bed. I turned the A/C up to 80F and was still shivering. So thinking what may help the migraine and warm me up, I made some coffee. I usually only drink coffee when I get up because it will keep me awake. But it helped both the migraine and the cold chill l had. While I was drinking the coffee, I also made me some herbal tea, licorice root tea (because my stomach felt horrible, actually it was around and under my ribs.) The coffee only kept me awake for a couple of hours. But I felt so much better after drinking it and the tea. Has this happened to anyone else?? I’m baffled by what caused this.

Yes, i am very allergic to mold and some chemicals like the solvent used in commercial carpet. It usually gives me flu like symptoms.
Migraine are no fun, I remember drinking a lot of coffee to try and reverse them. I don’t get severe migraines since i got my diet in control. They will make you nauseous. I just get tension headaches coming from my upper neck, that radiate to the top of my head. Could be a lot of different causes for migraines.