Since Thursday, I’ve been feeling a little under the weather. Thanks to my daughter, who had a cold. Sunday, i had a massage and have been struggling since. Have a slight fever 99.5-99.8. Is this common this to have fevers or should I be concerned.
Technically this isn't considered a fever, although if you tend to run low this would be. For a lot of autoimmune flares, it's not uncommon to run a low fever, although it might also be associated with a cold.
The short answer is that it is likely not a problem, but if it persists, you should probably touch base with your doctor. Feel better soon.
Thanks Stoney. Yes, I typically run around 97.5-97.8 sometimes have been low as 97.1. I have an appointment with her next week. Im pretty concerned if i can take my meds. I’ll give her a call tomorrow.
Thanks again
In general, the rule for meds seems to be that a low fever is okay, but a high fever is not. But again, make certain to double check with your doctor for the "rules" regarding this. I know that I have all sorts of rules regarding medications, and what range of control I have at home without having to make a call in to the doctor. The more self-sufficiency I have the better.
I always take my meds unless in an active, very serious infection (ie, pneumonia).
For example, this past week I've been struggling with a one sided sinus infection. By the time my next dose of Enbrel came due (today), I was already on antibiotics, and my 102 fever had broken. No need to avoid taking my meds.
I think us long term people will all recommend taking your meds unless you are seriously ill. Mild fevers, colds, etc are all ok to continue medicating through.
Sometimes when you get a massage it can shift some of the toxins that build up around our PSA joints and your body could be reacting and trying to get rid of these toxins out of your body and that will take a few days.