Bad dreams?

Does anyone else on methotrexate have bad dreams? I am going through some issues but this past injection was the worst for side effects and really bad dreams. Thanks.

I have no effects from MTX

When I was on MTX I didn't have problems with bad dreams so much as disturbed sleep. I wish you well with this.

I have not had bad dreams since taking mtx the last few years. I have had trouble getting to sleep after my injection. My doctor told me to take my mtx before bed to avoid the nausea some people get. That worked well while I took oral mtx but since I have been injecting mtx I have found could not get to sleep right after the injection. Now I take it mid day.

V vet with nightmares & PsA Trazadone prescribed for insomnia helps nightmares.

Yes! I am on Methotrexate tablet form. For the first two months it drove me out of my mind! Nasty dreams,sleep maybe three hours a night and then up sitting in a chair at two AM. For the three days following my pills I was in this really weird-wired brain fog,ansy and almost cranky. Dr cut back on dosage whilst I await approval for Humira. The reduced dosage really helps with my being able to sleep. The Methotrexate worked quite well for eliminating the rash and much of the joint pain,but the effect on my head outweighs the benefits.