I went for my follow up. I thought I was in trouble because my liver numbers shot up to the high range already. He was not panicked about the blood work. He said unless the liver numbers double or triple, he is not concerned. I told him my morning stiffness is not as bad which is a good sign. He was okay with me adding milk thistle to my supplements. I told him how I am wiped on Sundays and for the second Monday in a row, I have a killer headache. We decided (yes, he actually let’s me take part in the decisions) to give it one more month on the methotrexate to see if I adjust. If the side effects do not lessen, he will try one of the biologics. I have to up the dose to 7 this week but if the side effects get worse, he wants me to go back to 6 until I see him again. He suggested I split the dose on Saturdays, which I told him I already do. His suggestion was instead of 5 pm and bedtime, do 1 pm and bedtime. That may help the side effects. He gets a kick out of the fact that I try and educate myself. He just smiled and shook his head when I said I already am splitting the dose and also chuckled about the milk thistle. I really do like him and I trust him. So that is the update. Back in three weeks for more blood work and another visit.
Dottie’s a lucky duck! You have a doc you like and trust, and who obviously likes you. I like his long-range plan for you too.
Being in a position where you trust your doctor makes a huge difference to how you cope with the many challenges that this disease throws at you.