I just got back from visiting my grandbabies in Seattle, WA.....I live in south central Texas. I expected to be miserable up there because of the rain/cold....it was just the opposite! Within 24hrs of being home all the swelling and pain came back! :(
So glad you got to visit your grandbabies...nothing like those grandbaby hugs and kisses! As for feeling better while there, yes as Sybil said it is possible to feel better because you were with them and having such a great time. However, I am part of the minority (my rheumy's term for me) that heat and humidity are my enemies. My body does so much better when it is overcast/rainy/cooler/cold! I live in Florida for my husband's health, but wish I was still in Indiana or at least close to it. Although for years I have said I live on the wrong side of the country, lol. So it is highly possible that those temp changes agreed with your system.
Thanks for the input ladies! I do love my grandbabies and had Big fun with them......however, I do believe it was the cold that saved me! I've been telling my husband for years we need to be further North :)
You want to trade places? Last winter, Minnesota was the coldest place on the planet, I believe. I think if you lived here through a winter like that, you'd change your mind--hahahahaha!
I just moved from Vancouver BC about 3 weeks ago. I could tell you when the rain was coming the night before! I found the cold and damp were really hard on me. I’m convinced it was the humidity.
Is central Texas really humid, sunshine?
It’s a lot colder where I am now but a lot drier, and apparently with a higher average barometer reading. I’m hoping this weather does the trick, I won’t mind the snow as much then