Another week

So far this week has really sucked. We had my son's birthday party on Saturday. At 15 minutes till party time my daughter vomits all over the couch and floor. So while people are showing up my house stinks and I am trying like crazy to get vomit off everything. So I am trying to explain to parents that I am sorry but Lexi is sick but the parents all say oh its ok and leave there kids with me for two hours. So in that two hours my daughter thows up 4 more times, one kid dumps kool-aid all over my just scrubbed couch. Needless to say that by the time the last kid got picked up I was exhausted.

Then Sunday comes and I upped my dosage of MTX. Also Sunday brought my daughter still vomiting and my son starting. So I was nauseous and had an awful head ache and I got to try to keep two very tired and sick little kids entertained. Now by Monday morning both kids were feeling better and I felt great. The only pain I was experiencing was in my right hip and since it has been forever since I have only had pain in one joint I was so happy. I was bragging at work about how great I was feeling and how I had hope that maybe I would not have to wait the full three months for the MTX to start working.

Well that night what ever it was hit me hard. I had vomiting and diarrhea and my stomach felt like some one was twisting it as hard as they could. Both the kids had it for a max of 24 hours but I am still down with it. I ate soup for dinner and it seems to be staying down but I hurt everywhere. All my normal spots hurt plus many new ones. I have called out the past two days and I know if I call out tomorrow I will get in to trouble, plus I really can not afford to be out of work so much. It has just been such a bad week. There is one bright side tho...I am done with all my holiday shopping. I did it all online so I was not trying to walk around the stores and most of it has already been delivered. Also I now have insurance so that is a major relief

Sorry to hear that tummy bug went through your house too! A few of us here at my office had it too. Of course, I had it last Sunday, but still had to come into work feeling like crap, on Monday. I hope you feel better, and its nice you can still look at the bright side (shopping done!).

Have a Merry Christmas!

Lainee B.