Sometimes I just don't get it

well, really quite often that is the case. lol After 5 straight days of nausea (like after taking MTX), I really thought I was done with that little tidbit, however, it is back tonight. Hubby said maybe you should call the doctor...what am I going to say, I am nauseous and running a low grade fever off and on but, I have no other symptoms. I mean she probably already thinks I am off my rocker because of the weird symptoms I come up with. I will push through this and see what happens, just like I do with everything else.

Something new though with my hands...have always had the usual stiffness in the fingers, dropping things often, pain when twisting...but for some reason the last week I have pains shooting thru different areas of both hands and all fingers. So I get to ask rheumy about that next visit in 2 weeks.

Still waiting for the letter from the judge for my evaluation and x-rays...waiting is the name with SSD. They just don't know me...I am not giving up, ever! So they may as well approve me and get it over with. :)

On a lighter note, I am one very proud granma. Kaden (6y/o grandson) played his first piano recital with no errors and did a great job, and he also received 3 awards in school for this year!!

Congratulations on the grand son!

If something lasts a week I take it to the Doc. Viruses etc should be done after a week. Good luck with it Alma.

Hi Alma, how are feeling today? still with the nausea etc? probably do need to check with the doc if not better by Monday. I get the shooting pain in my hands, esp. my wrist to thumb. I don't know if it's PsA or not, since I'm not officially diagnosed, but sure hope yours is better today!

congrats to little Kaden!! that first recital is scary for a little one.

isn't waiting on SSI fun?? glad you aren't a quitter, you should win and soon (I hope) sending wishes for a great weekend. MrsD

Hi Mrs. D...I am finally feeling much better today. Maybe I had a touch of gastroenteritis as that is going around down here evidently. I do have the new pains in my hands written down for my next rheumy appointment. Every new thing I bring up with him...he usually says "well, you do have an inflammatory condition that causes you much pain and can be most anywhere in your body". He kind of makes me laugh cause he is very soft spoken and always calm with patients. Since I worked for doctors for 28 years I have seen some that are like that with the patients, but can get quite boisterous otherwise. It's the quiet ones that you have to watch out for, lol.

Yes, we are so proud of Kaden. He is a bright little boy (IQ is 150) and has problems sitting still to pay attention. His brain runs on high speed constantly which has to be hard for him as he does get in trouble a lot for not listening or following directions. He will tell me "granma that is not what I had planned for today" lol...So for him to get an award in for top place in math superstars of 1st grade and another for Principals Merit award as well as terrific kid twice and I can't remember what the other was for. We are just thrilled, and he is so happy with good to see.

Yes, the waiting is annoying, but like we said before, they want us to give up...I am a very stubborn person and I have decided that I worked very hard and paid in since I was 15 years old, so I am not taking anything that isn't rightfully mine. I wish that I could still work, but that is not the case. It took me 3 years to finally take the step to give it up and that was 2 years ago.

I hope you are having a good weekend as well Any special plans for the summer?

Hi Alma, glad you are feeling better! glad you like your doctor, wish he had a better answer than, well that's now it goes. :) I know what you mean about doctors, I was a nurse for 20 yrs before my body decided it was time to retire at 43. there are so many that not only excelled at the "I am God" 101 course that they give in med school, but went on to major in it. :)

Kaden sounds like a wonderful little guy! I hope he can continue to do well in school despite his difficulty sitting still. I think we do tend to expect children to be little adults in school and that's just not fair. his brain is just working so fast he has difficulty slowing down to listen. he should be proud of himself. I know his granma is!

oh, the waiting is awful. glad you aren't falling for the "if we put them off long enough, they will go away" tactic. And you are right, you EARNED it!

I am having a great weekend. Today is my 40th wedding anniversary. so big day of cooking and eating. :) for the summer, we are going to be decorating and fixing up the house. we plan to sell and move further out in the county for the peace and quiet. we live in a small town on a rather busy corner, had a car knocked into the yard the other day that barely missed hitting the house.. I want a few acres and lots of space. well, that's enough of my life planning. LOL. wishing you a great week. MrsD