An interesting day

Today I went to the orthopaedic surgeon for a consult re my sore hip, which the x-ray people reported had “severe osteoarthritis”. I asked my PCP several times whether my hip problem might be PsA. She insisted that it was osteo, and that I could have it as well as PsA. (She also, no doubt, thought me a hysterical worry wart.) Anyway, with increasing pain, I was thinking that maybe the time was approaching when I should consider surgery. Or maybe it was too early. Only one way to find out, so I went prepared to accept the OS’s advice: he is an amazing surgeon, a thoughtful and kind person, and the installer of my two fabulous knees. So … today I went, armed with a list of symptoms and lots of questions.

I had x-rays. Dr. OS (not to be confused with Dr. Oz ;-)) came in, and with no discussion, pronounced “This is really bad”, and he said that the hip needs to be replaced as soon as reasonably possible. This is a man with a long waiting list. I suggested May (after our spring trip). He nixed that idea, saying that he didn’t want to take the risk of my having a femoral head collapse. So I guess I’m now on his urgent list.

Then I turned the conversation to what kind of arthritis might have done the considerable damage to my hip, given that the radiology reports all said “osteo”. He said it looked inflammatory to him, and typical of Psoriatic Arthritis. He suggested that my rheumatologist needs to step up my treatment, that he would be sending her a letter, and that I should be expecting a call from her soon.

All the pre-op paperwork and consent forms are done. Now I wait. I must say, I hadn’t expected this quite so soon.

Oh Seenie I am so sorry but also happy for you as it may mean less pain down the line. My Rheumatologist seemed to indicate to me what starts out as OA becomes PsA with time. I do not know if she meant me in particular or if this happens to all PsA patients. Warm hugs to you , you are in my prayers.

gahhhh Seenie but a new hip means no pain. That will be good. Crap on a cracker girl .....ask for ceramic they are better than steel thoug may have a price tag unless your surgeon says you must have. I have a friend who has two new ceramic hips this year .loves them and no hip pain. they say the surgery is better than our knees

Bet that was all a bit of a shock…you knew you had problems but! Well, at least you’re going to be in less pain in the near future.
I can’t speak from personal experience, but I’ve cared for a lot of people with hip replacements and they do seem to get 'up and at ‘em’ really quickly compaired with knee replacements.
Wishing you well Seenie, fingers crossed you get your op soon x

Oh wow. You're turning into the bionic woman there. It's really good that the OS was willing to go the extra mile, and get in contact with the rheumy about your treatment. Most MDs seem to not go that extra mile. Maybe it's just as well that he wants to get you in a soon as possible. Less time to worry about things, and sooner that you are recovering.

Thanks, everyone, for your good wishes. It means a lot to me. I’m really quite OK with the prospect of having a hip replacement sooner, rather than later. I have an outstanding surgeon, I’ve been down this road with him twice before, and I’ve been told by those in the know (like Louise :wink: that a hip is somewhat easier than a knee.
What has upset me is fact that my rheumatologist saw my arthritis as being “not severe enough” for aggressive treatment. My gut feeling all along has been that it WAS and now I know that it IS. But I’m not a rheumatologist, what do I know? The rheumatologist can afford to be very conservative – she isn’t the one who faces surgery and months of rehab, is she?
Yes, Stoney, my OS is wonderful and will go the extra mile for me, as he has done before. I think I will see action on the meds front now: I now see biologics (as well as sharp instruments, groan) in my future. Thank goodness for that.
And thank goodness for everyone here!

Have you heard anymore news about being seen by the Rheumatologist in the PsA clinic in Toronto? Last I think I remembered you were considering been seen once a year there, is that still an option for the future?

Yes, Louise, it’s still an option, but I doubt I’ll get to it before the spring now. It’s a five hour drive and one or two overnights in the city, and I’m going to be kind of tied up with the THR thing for the next few months.
In order to be accepted, my rheumatologist needs to refer me. Once she gets Dr. OS’s letter, she may want to do more than that! LOL We will see …
You have a great memory!

Well that’s good to know you may have some input from that famous clinic if you need it in the future, just a shame its such a trek for you.
I can fully understand why you feel upset that your Rheumatologist didn’t feel your condition warrented more agressive treatment.
We do know our bodies so well, but even though our gut instinct tell us something is going wrong, I think we find our instinct gets lost in the face of the ‘experts’. I thought I was in a flare in early August but was told by one of the rheumatology nurses it wasn’t a inflammation problem because my bloods were within normal limits (err! Hello? Seronegative?) So didn’t see the rheumatologist until my routine appointment…now off work because of the severity of the flare.
Let us know how you get on Seenie, thinking of you x

Hi Seenie, have had you on my mind today & wanted you to know that you are in my prayers as well. Sending you lots of well wishes & gentle hugs your way.

Liz, thank you for your healing thoughts. I’m hobbling on my crutches, and I can no longer pretend that it doesn’t hurt that badly. It does. So three cheers for tramadol – it does the job reasonably well without turning me into a zombie or doing unmentionable things to my insides. I’m trying to do pre-op exercises, but to be honest, it hurts too much. So I do what I can. I’m getting impatient now, and just want to get it over with. Thanks again for thinking of me.

Hi, everyone. I’ve just posted the sequel to my Interesting Day blog post.