Adult Scooter

Grandma_J, a micro (which is the brand name) commuter (which refers to a scooter with big wheels and a big deck), is exactly the same as what you posted, but without the shock absorbers.

So as I’m a bit lost on where we were on that conversation too :rofl:, I’ll summarise my experience;

Much less effort than walking at the same speed;

Definitely get shock absorbers - try the scooter out if possible,

The biggest limitation I found was vibration through the handlebars- not good in the wrists during a flare (I have no shock absorbers)

Get the biggest wheels you can (easiest rolling)

Get a deck big enough to rest both feet so you can coast.

Importantly, I like my scooter and think it’s lots of fun - but I will admit it’s not my go to for a big flare.

Because of my family’s historical culture (slowly changing, but ex-husband expectations followed by my daughter who is just a kid), I would not have been “allowed” to go out on the scooter whilst they were walking - I was always required to keep up with their activity level, so it was never a relief to use the scooter in the past, because I was always chasing them, going faster and harder on their scooters. I’m not sure there are too many other families with those sorts of expectations (in hindsight, totally unreasonable), but it is worth a quick reflection first, to make sure you are not making a rod for your own back.

Things have changed now he is ex, and my daughter is (at 8yo) way more understanding and happy for me to potter about - now it’s honestly lovely to go for a scoot to the local library, swimming pool, or cafe. Nowadays both my 8yo and I both scoot - if I’m having a bad day, she goes ahead, doubles back, and good naturedly calls me slow coach, on a good day, I easily keep up (the trick there is to get them the smallest wheels - on the basis they are better for tricks, and you the biggest wheels - simple gearing :joy:).

I’m with Seenie, they are not that expensive - get one, have fun, if it doesn’t work, give it to a grandkid :blush:

Gosh ‘that historical culture’ thing sounds just …gosh I’m lost for words for once. But so glad for you it’s now history.

Yes, ‘historical culture’ is rather a euphemism, and the scooting expectations were the least of it :joy::cry: - but thank you, I too am so glad it is history.


Hi Jen,
Would 8” wheels be considered large? Because that’s about how big these are.
Also, I think there’s a free return policy. Otherwise, it’ll be a gift for the grandkids! :heart_eyes:

Hey GrandmaJ, google “commuter scooter” and see what you get! LOL :sunglasses:

I like the look of this one. What do you think, @Jen75?

Yep, mine are 6” and that’s still pretty big - 8” would be great. My daughters trick scooter has wheels less than 4”

Looks very cool to me :smile:

I actually just saw a motorized kick scooter with a bag that looked like it had a skateboard for a standing deck on my walk! xD

I came to chime in because I did a bit more hunting on the Belgian and Dutch sites after seeing it (didn’t find that exact model, though).

I’m not sure how common it is in other countries - it’s becoming a more common thing here - but there are also more hybrid scooter-bikes, and from the discussion above, there is interest, so…

I think the generic term is a ‘balance bike’ but my father calls them ‘strider bikes’ which seems to be a brand? My searches in English were not fruitful :persevere:

The alinker from posts above is not the only kind of ‘loopfiets voor volwassenen’ – which are touted as a more active form/ less physically detrimental form of mobility help in comparison with wheelchairs and walkers.
Ex1 Ex2 Ex3

scooters with seats? Bikes with a standing deck? Big wheels or small wheels? Foldable or not? Electric or not? 2 or 3 wheels? The possibilities are endless on the continuum bike<->kick scooter (if you can speak Dutch, apparently…)

They are much more pricey than a fancy kick scooter or even some normal bikes… But the alinker is the most expensive non-electric I saw. They can be cheaper! Even with shipping and customs duty, I think…

Anyway, just want to put it out there. Should someone be interested: they exist.

GrandmaJ, whichever scooter you choose, after you find what works well for you, the brands of bags I’ve seen come from foldable bike companies and some of their attachments are what I see most frequently used for the kick scooters.

Scooter overview
Foldable bike overview

Where there is a will, there is a way, and I think it’s great that you are finding ways that will make it easier for you to continue to go do things with the people you care about.

I can tell you I’ve never seen an adult on a kick scooter in my neck of the woods, or anywhere in America that I’ve been, but I do tend to have tunnel vision a lot of the time so I could’ve missed them!
I’m hoping and crossing my fingers this works for me–the order is placed! I ended up ordering a slightly different one from those shown above. It’s the Exooter M1950WT 8XL with dual suspension shocks and 240mm front wheels/200mm rear wheels. I’ll attach a picture. I very rarely buy anything for myself, so this is really EXCITING!!! I wanted one with hand brakes but this manufacturer didn’t have one with them and all the other features I liked. I doubt if I’ll go fast on it anyway, so I’m not too worried about stopping…we shall see…I hope I don’t crash! :scream: I’ll download the pic to my computer and then upload it here.

I’m soooooo happpppyyyyyy!


Nice :blush: you deserve it!

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Hiya Jen have you thought of the gel pads that you can use on elbow crutches for the handlebars ? :two_hearts::two_hearts:

My son used something similar to this to get to work when he lived in the UK, he would have been close to his 30’s at the time he bought it and seemed very happy with it :slight_smile:

He didn’t need it for disability issues, but it sped up his commute to work and home every day without the cost of parking etc lol

Looking forward to hearing how you get on with it… I’m sure it’ll be a blast, and hopefully extremely helpful too :smile: I did think about something similar for myself to get to town, but thought it might be too long being upright for me… although probably would be a lot quicker than the wee mobility scooter I have now (it only travels at a maximum 8kms per hour :laughing:)

Have fun!!!

What an idea! I’ll look into it :blush:

I already emailed the company to ask when I could expect shipment. I think it’s shipped out of California, and they did have the scooter I want in stock, so hopefully it’ll be soon.
They already charged my credit card!!!
My daughter asked me to go the zoo today and I said no because I can’t handle walking that much (this particular zoo is rather hilly, too). My feet are really touchy today and I know the pain will be bad tonight if I do too much walking. Sucks. :confounded:

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OMG within minutes after I emailed them I got a reply. It was shipped yesterday and expected arrival is Thursday, July 5! :blush:


I sense this is the beginning of something … something wild …


We can’t wait for a report!!! And we expect pictures, do you hear?

Grandma, even if you decide it’s not for you, it will be a load of fun and then you can give the grandkids a thrill when they get their “early inheritance”.

You go, GrandmaJ!

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This is great, Groenlof! Maybe my problem was that I was searching in English. I do like the little “loopfiets” that you found.

Yes, I think “strider” is the brand name of the children’s balance bike. They are great for kids! Funny how, as we get older, we go back to being kids again. Ugh. LOL!!!

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(Sorry for being a little crazy over the scooter)—I just got an update—it’s in Minneapolis and should arrive by tomorrow evening!
Seenie, Sybil, and all you other crazy wild ladies (and men) out there: I hope I have such a good report about the scooter that y’all will want one, too!


I’m already wanting one! :blush:. But for now, I’ll take a car that I can drive. (My current is a 1997 vw convertible with a 5 speed manual transmission. ) I just had a thought, We live in the country so a scooter may not work well out here. :open_mouth: you go young lady! And remember we want pics! :grinning:

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