3 months since diagnosis and I can barely walk

This is my first time posting. My life changed this past March when my toes and feet and ankles swelled and I could barely walk. They first thought I had gout and then after many tests it was determined that I have psoriatic arthritis. I was referred to a rheumatologist who put me on prednisone. At one point I was up to 60 mg a day of prednisone and it did not help the swelling at all. None! We discontinued it since it wasn't helping and had dangerous side effects. Next I was put on sulfasalzadine. I was on it for about a month and no relief. Now I am on methotrexate. The first 2 weeks I took an oral dose and had such nausea I could barely function. This last week I had the injection. It did not make me nauseated. However on the methotrexate I feel like I have the flu for about 3 days after the pill or injection. Diareha, dizziness, tired, achy etc. This is affecting my quality of life so much. My toes, feet and ankles have been swollen for months and nothing helps. I have to ride the electric cart at Walmart. I can't go to the mall with my teenage daughter. It is absolute torture to walk. I look like a disabled person and people stare. Do I give this methotrexate more time or do I push for the enbrel or humira. I have a second opinion appointment scheduled with a different rheumatologist in a week. I am only 42 years old. I am a breast cancer survivor. Stage 0. Thankfully it was DCIS and caught super early so my oncologist doesn't think it will be a problem for me to take a biologic. My radiation treatments ended in March about the same time that the psoriatic athritis symptoms came about. Thankfully I do not have small children and my husband is awesome! I work as a dental receptionist 3 days a week and have understand co-workers. Any advice or input anyone has I will gladly take.

Welcome to the forum! I have to say, I would seek a second opinion. For you to be on a high dose of prednisone, and it did nothing? It should have been helping at the minimum.

Any DMARD you have to give it time to help. But if the prednisone did nothing then I'm wondering if there could be something else going on. I'm curious, how did they rule out gout? And decide that it was PsA?

MA, so sorry you having so much pain and trouble finding a med that helps. I stopped taking methotrexate (MTX) because it made me too sick. I think it's a good idea to start researching biologics, the side effects etc. Also, did you see my post on the Webinar next week on managing your PsA at psoriasis.org? It may be a good orientation for you - I don't know how good it will be. You can always watch it later when they post it in the archived webinar section on the site. You can also sign up for a PsA mentor at psoriasis.org.

I hope you get some relief soon.



If it is PsA I tend to lean towards a biologic as already mentioned.

I say that from my own experience which Ill explain.

In 2005/2006 I had a knee problem that lead to me being unable to walk over the course of a year. Many doctors couldn't diagnose my problem even after I suggested PsA and put me in physical therapy as a last resort. It did help me get mobile again but my knees felt like Jello. They gave me prednisone, and some other drug I can't remember now. And then tried steroid injections which aside from wicked pain did nothing also.

After being on Enbrel in 2007 my knees felt stable again and I never bothered to question it again until this year due to pain in my back, hands, knees and feet and now I have officially been told I have PsA and put on Humira.

When I was first diagnosed it took over a year to find something that would work for me. I too was on prednisone for 3 months, then we tried methotrexate for 3 months, then it was embrel. Currently I am on remicade. For the first 3 months I was on a dose that was not near strong enough. Then the dosage had to be increase in frequency. Finally it seems to be working. It did take time though. It was hard to be patient. Especially when you are in pain. I have teenagers & understand not being able to shop with them. I carry a cane in my car because I too was unable to walk. We all react differently to the same medications. What works for me may not work for you. It may take a little time to find something that will work for you. Please try not to lose hope, We are all here for you. Feel free to contact me or anyone else here.Keep us updated on your progress. Sending (hugs) and prayers your way.

Sorry you are joining our ranks, but this is a cool place to be. You are only 3 months post diagnosis, I have been on my DMARD's for over a year with little change, biologics aren't generally prescribed freely. The side effects are pretty crummy and I haven't felt normal in so long I don't really remember what it feels like. We are the same age yet I've known for years I was getting worse, that's probably while I am experienceing the difficulties now. I hope you get some relief and hang in there, t his can be a bumby ride.