I’m in week 7 of Humira and I seem to be doing a little better. I’m off the slow-release pain meds and the prednisone short course (for ten days now). And my fatigue is well controlled, too.
However, I’m experiencing really intense pains in the evening, just before and at bedtime. I’m pretty much fine all day long, but when I finally sit down at the end of the day my body fires these wicked pains that just zing my fingers, toes, elbows, knees, you name it. If I sit still it is worse. If I keep moving it isn’t so bad. Ive been sent to the couch the last two night for being too squirmy. Thats a bummer! Anyone else get pains that sound like this? If so, what do you do?
I don't get those except once in a while I get zinged with a hot poker. It use to feel like hot water hitting my legs. Now it is a very occasional hot poker for a stab or two then gone. I think it is related to my herniated discs which have nerve impingements. I don't know what it could be if it keeps up all evening. Is possibly tendonitis? Probably best to discuss with your doctor just to be safe. I hope it goes away for you.
Thanks, Michael. I emailed the doc today. We’ll wait and see what he says.
I am sorry you are going through that. Use to hit me like a ton of bricks after a long day at work, never felt it no where near as bad until I sat down or was just in bed and felt like my entire body would just rage with pain, the first few times it happened I did take narcotic's, I still felt the pain but it didn't seem to register with my mind what I was feeling, I hated that feeling even worse than I hated the pain, so I stopped taking them and tried a hot bath in the evenings after all my chores were done and that worked wonders for me, it didn't take away all the pain but certainly made me feel more comfortable. Hopefully it might work for you and keep you from being sent to the couch!
thanks for your empathy. We have a hot tub so that’s my go to except I’m also experiencing wildly fluctuating body temps which I put down to the recent prednisone. I’m either sweating through my clothes or shivering cold. Ain’t life grand. Oh and I’m writing from the couch…
Easternlady said:
I never felt it no where near as bad until I sat down or was just in bed and felt like my entire body would just rage with pain, … tried a hot bath in the evenings after all my chores were done and that worked wonders for me
So the rheumy wrote back and told me he suspects my chills and hot spells are from the steroids and should get better soon (we'll see). He has no clue what's causing these little sparking electric shock-like pains. They seem to target the joints and come on most typically when I'm not moving (like when I'm relaxing or trying to go to sleep). Grrrrrrrr.
I get pain sharp pain in my back, buttocks and legs depending on how my inflammation levels are in my si joints. The Piriformis muscle runs along side the sciatic nerve and any increase in inflammation around that area causes a nerve like pain.